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DW822A firmware


DW822A firmware

Postby Fabrian on Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:27 am

For those of you who haven't noticed yet, or even still care about this drive, there's a new firmware out for this drive that finally puts single and DL into one firmware. No more switching.

Download page here

For what it's worth, I love this drive. It has never given me one single problem and always burns Ricoh media @ 8x (TDK brand)

FFS, I don't read about ROM drives for a couple months and I feel like I'm back to square one again :roll:
Abit IC7 MAX3, 2.4C @ 3.4, MCX4000, 2x 360 Raptor RAID0, XP Pro, 2x256 A-DATA PC4000, Enermax 475P-VE SFMA, BFG 6800GTOC, Audigy 2 ZS, Remote Wonder Pro, Lite-on 48/24/48 cdr, Lite-on 16x dvd, BenQ DW822A, Lian Li PC-82, Sony CPD-E540 21"
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