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C1 Errors???

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C1 Errors???

Postby CignaXI on Fri Aug 01, 2003 5:42 am

I recently did a C1 error test with K-Probe on several cd's and I found the following pattern:



The same pattern appeared with other cds. Is this normal or should I start looking for a new burner?
Still burning with my LTR-16101B.
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Postby cfitz on Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:30 am

I'm not sure what pattern you are concerned about, but in general, no, you needn't worry. The errors you measured on the LTR-1610B are a little higher than what you might get with other media or another burner, but are still acceptable. Importantly, you aren't showing any C2 errors.

If you want to lower your error rate, try some other media like Taiyo Yuden, Ritek, or Verbatim DataLife Plus and see how they do.

As for the much lower errors shown on the 163D, don't trust them. Although KProbe will run with the Lite-On DVD-ROM drives, the measurements made these drives are artificially low and don't accurately reflect the quality of the disc.

I don't see anything here that should stop you from "still burning with (your) LTR-16101B." :wink:

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Postby CignaXI on Sat Aug 02, 2003 1:19 am

Thanks cfitz for your time and welcome reply. I was going to test the media in another burner too see how it compared to my results but I'll just leaved. If I see that I get lower C1 errors in the other burner I'll just use that as an excuse to buy a new burner :D :D :D :D . Thanks again cfitz!
Still burning with my LTR-16101B.
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Postby cfitz on Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:48 am

You're welcome, CignaXI. And didn't you know? The only excuse you need for getting a new burner is that there is a new model on the market. :wink:

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