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Flashing firmware

Postby smc888 on Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:59 pm

Hi, all

I have an LTD163 from lite-on. i am trying to flash it with the latest code I can get (GH5E) to make it more compatible with XP. (Doesn't seem to see disks all the time) I ran the exe from a DOS prompt and it said the device was not a DVD-ROM How do I tell it which device to flash? Are there instructions somewhere for this process?


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Postby vsekh on Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:09 pm

Download the latest from here and you should be able to update directly from windows:

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Flashing firmware

Postby smc888 on Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:33 am

Hi, vsekh

Thanks for trying but the models don't match when I run the utility. The update is for the XJ-HD163.



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Postby vsekh on Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:50 pm

Try downloading from this page:

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Postby dimitri on Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:46 pm

XJ-HD 163 is the sams drive as LTD-163, it's just the new name since the Liteon DVD-rom section became Jlms. If your current firmware is very old the drive won't be accepted by the latest firmware flasing utility, just because they neglected to include it in the coding.

That is one reason I have GH5S-all on my 163 page. It's a GH5S flash utility for flashing in windows where the pre-flash model checkup is disabled. It will agree to flash ANY drive on your system, meaning you have to be careful to flash the correct drive. Just pay attention when selecting the drive in the drop-down menu.

You can download it from my 163 page : http://digi.rpc1.org/163fw.htm .
Please read the warning and the disclaimer first.
All the best, dimitri (a.k.a digi, mango)
digi.rpc1.org | digidvd.tk
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