Recently I had some problems with a bad drive or media. It has since been resolved thanks to a fellow forum member "CDRecorder". TYTY
Anyways I just got my hands on a 50 Pk of Fujis from Best Buy. There are Made in Japan and when I looked at them with the CD Indentifier they are Taiyo. From reading on this forum for the last two days this brand of CDR and the fact that TY is one of the best apparently leads me to wonder.
When I go back to Best Buy to get more in a month is there a way to know that what I am getting is the exact same stuff I have been using? I read in one thread if it is made in Japan it is TY but in another thread someone said this is not true. Any insight will be appreciated cause if I have too I will go get a stockpile of them now but I would rather wait till I need em.
Thanks in advance.
PS: One last thing lol. On EZCD it has this option for Finalize disc. I only use CDR's (no RW at all) to burn Audio or to save AVI,MPEG or both. Should I set it to finalize disk everytime? Have not seen good info on this so I think if is common knowledge to you guys but to me it makes no sense