Glad to have joined up. I have been reading posts here for some time and have discovered a wealth of information. Hopefully, I can contribute something of value as well. Probably not, but I can always hope.
Thank you for your efforts Eliminator, much appreciated.
Like you said the review doesn't have a whole lot information. I almost wonder if the reviewer even looked at the drive, he was talking about a drive with a head phone jack and volume controls which the drive doesn't have at all.
I will keep my eyes peeled for a review. Maybe CDR Labs will do one.(hint, hint,). The drive has worked flawlessly for me so far. If I discover any problems I will be sure to let everyone know.
By the way, beware of Spazmogen, he is a bad bad man, who encourages co-workers to buy things for their computers when the can't afford them, and introduces people to music that they can't get out of their heads.... songs like "My head hurts, my feet stink and I don't love Jesus"
Evil I say, just pure evil