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Geforce4 mx440 or Xabre400 or Radeon 9000PRO/9000

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Geforce4 mx440 or Xabre400 or Radeon 9000PRO/9000

Geforce4 MX440
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ATI Radeon 9000
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ATI Radeon 9000 Pro
Xabre 400
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Geforce4 mx440 or Xabre400 or Radeon 9000PRO/9000

Postby CignaXI on Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:37 pm

Which of this card should I buy? I'm looking for good tv-out while not sacrificing a good quality gaming performance. I know this card are not the top notch but I have a very limited budget. I was thinking to buy the Ati Radeon 9000 pro but i'm not too sure yet. I discarted the Xabre because while it offers many features in many reviews I have read it doesn't perform as well as expected. I Also read this card had some issues with via chips (I have a via kt266a). Any help to make this decision will be thankfully received.
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Postby TheWizard on Thu Jan 02, 2003 5:21 am

Don't rule out the Radeon 8500 (LE). There are many reviews stating the 8500 performs better than the 9000, just search on Google for the reviews.
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Postby CignaXI on Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:39 am

I was considering the Radeon 9100 which is the 8500 LE with a different name but wasn't sure. It has a lower clock (250/500LE vs. 275/550PRO).
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Postby Derek on Thu Jan 02, 2003 3:12 pm

Geforce4 Ti4200. Why? It's only $115 now. It performs almost as well as a 4600 (which is still VERY fast). And it has pixel shaders. The GF4 MX is a stripped down version and just isn't anywhere as good as the 4200 feature wise. They called it Geforce4 for brand recognition.

I'm still not sold on ATI cards because the drivers are very iffy. And now ATI has concentrated on getting the 9700/9500 drivers polished, leaving the older cards behind. I would pass on the Xabre too. The performance is just not up to snuff, even for a budget card.

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Postby dhc014 on Thu Jan 02, 2003 3:18 pm

Derek, ur such a n00b! Geforce4 Ti4200 was not one of the choices, he listed a Geforce4 MX440 which is hardly comparible to a Geforece 4 TI series. Geforce 4 cards are just improved Geforece 3's which are just improved Geforce 2's. I would suggest the Radeon 9000 Pro since it is a nice budget card and that it its whole purpose; to be fast and cheap. About ATI's drivers, they are hardly iffy; and ATI has shown an incredible dedication to improving their drivers and I currently have no problems with my Radeon 8500DV (which is an older card).

Just kidding Derek :wink:
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Postby Derek on Thu Jan 02, 2003 3:23 pm

I know it wasn't on his list Dave! I said the 4200 because it's the best price/performance ratio card out there today. I'd rather spend the few extra dollars and be ready for newer games that be able to just play the current games at a somewhat decent framrate.

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Postby CignaXI on Thu Jan 02, 2003 4:32 pm

Thanks Derek, I considered that already but I don't have does extra dollars (I had them before I fried my Athlon XP 1600). I have decided I will go with the Radeon 9100 wich is a 8500 with features of the 9000PRO/9000.
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Postby CignaXI on Thu Jan 02, 2003 9:40 pm

Man! this one of the hardest desicions I have had to make in a long time. I was about to hit the checkout buttom when I thought about what Derek said. One feature that I like about the ati is the fullstream technology while in the gaming side it leaves you wishing for more. I don't know about the geforce tv out technology is it any good?
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Postby coolestnitish on Sun Jan 05, 2003 4:56 pm

I think TV-Out on pretty much all of them would suck if you want to watch DVD's or surf the web on the TV. You would need an HDTV or HDTV ready to notice less difference between monitor and TV.
I would say wait for some time, as GeForce FX will be out soon and in competition with the ATI All In Wonder 9700 Pro, they will have a good price war. The next generation cards will soon get a lot cheaper because of that competition. If you need something immediately, then the 4200 is a pretty good choice. I've heard it's easily overclockable to the 4600 if you want to do that and save some $$.
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Postby CignaXI on Mon Jan 06, 2003 5:08 am

Thanks coolestnitish, After derek made that sugestion I started to look for a 4200 w/tv around my budget and just couldn't find it. I was saving some money to get a descent card but as I already mentioned I burned my cpu and had to opt for a cheap card. I bought the Radeon 8500le since I couldn't find a 8500. It is faster than the Radeon 9000 Pro and less expensive. I was thinking to buy the 9100 but there's to little information on it and as far as I know it is the same as the 8500le + Fullstream. Actually the only one I manage to find was a sapphire which had a lower clock (230) and I think they didn't included the Fullstream ..... the thing is that it was really hard making this decision due to the fact that there are too many cards out there with confusing names and that the companies that manucfacture this cards don't always tell you the truth. For example and average buyer would have thought that the Radeon 9000/9000Pro was better than the 8500le. The same thing with the geforce4 MX series whiich is not better than the geforce3 Ti series. I also found like four same card models made by the same company with different clock speed. You never know really what are you buying until you get it (more or less like the rebagged drives). Thanks any way for all the help. I'm planning to sue all these companies for misleading advertisement and "emotional distress" anyone who wants to join me is welcome. :D
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