Since I am new to home ownership, I am looking for tips on how to get the nicest looking lawn I would appreciate it.
I live in northern NJ (in case that matters - I know Scotts mentions different lawn types - I am not sure how to tell which "type" I have).
I was thinking of trying/doing it myself or should I go with the pros?
A ChemLawn rep knocked on the door the other day.
He mentioned that they have a "special" plan of about $44 per application and 6 applications per year (He said there is no contract and pay as you go - I assume that means I can ask for 2 applications per year at the intervals I want [just as an example].
1) If I just get one application now will this help for most of the summer?
Is there an optimal number? (i.e. are six needed? Is getting three enough? Two enough?
2) If I do it myself, what should I do and when?
For example:
Which brand of fertilizer would you recommend?
When is the optimal time to spread / apply it?
Thanks for any tips!