JamieW wrote:That's quite a stretch. You may not recognize it, but it is pretty clear you are reaching. You further attempt to insult in a similar method but fail in disguising it as an uncertain observation. Therefore, it is clear that you are hypocrite and further clear you are exactly as retarded as I think you are.
Oh, and you failed to answer the question.
My goal was not to anwser the question, also, you say I am attempting to insult in a similar manner? No, not at all, I'm not using terms such as "tard" I'm questioning your maturity level.
Going onto the issue of respect, there is someone in 3 of my classes that I work with closely on a lot of various tasks during the day. (There is also another who I talk to when we have time, online, etc.) We are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum on how we view things politically. Does that mean we don't respect each other? Not at all, we show none but the highest level of respect to each other & our fellow colleagues. Does that mean we don't try to push our political views, or question the candidate we respectfully support in the upcoming election, of course not! We do that all the time, we still respect each other with the utmost level of respect though.
Do you show any respect to me? NO. Do I show any respect to you? Well, I DID, key is that being in the past tense, I don't now though. Do I respect everyone else on the forum, and do they respect me? YES.
Let me take, for example, ClayBuster, we have pretty much the exact opposite political views as each other, we question each other's supported candidate, and thier views and jobs they have done in the past. Does that mean that we don't respect each other? OF COURSE NOT, we DO.