the Adobe menu (the one that has options such as Convert to Adobe PDF etc.) in the Word menubar has disappeared.
strangely enough, it is present in Excel, PowerPoint (whicy BTW i don't use).
this has happened to me once before, while Word was starting up i got an error message about a problem opening some script or macro or some such, don't recall.
my fix at the time had been - uninstall Adobe Acrobat and reinstall. it worked.
this time around i didn't see such an error message, the menu just disappeared (it's possible that this error happened when the wife used Word, but she denies it).
uninstalling and reinstalling didn't help this time around.
tried Office help and MS online Office help and couldn't find any info. nor in Adobe Acrobat help.
anyone have a fix for me? i'm reluctant to uninstall Office + Acrobat and reinstall (what a bother, sigh...

any help very much appreciated.