Turkeyscore.com wrote:Thankyou cfitz, I was having a really hard time remembering the proper name for the BNC.
You're welcome.
Hmmm... I don't know where they get their information.
First, it is called token ring, not "tolken" ring.
Second, token ring is, for all practical purposes, a long dead technology.
Third, token ring, as defined in the IEEE 802.5 standards and by IBM (the most popular implementation), does not and never did use BNC connectors. Perhaps the poster is confusing token ring with 10Base-2 Ethernet, which did use BNC connectors. But even 10Base-2 NICs almost always had only a single BNC connector. External BNC T-connectors were used to string the cable along to additional stations.
Fourth, I don't know where the business about the Megatel break-out board came from. The extra power supply could have powered just about anything, from fully custom circuitry to off-the-shelf boards. Without additional information there is no way to tell what it powered.