I bouht a home, and found out on the day of the closing that there is no owner's manual for the hot tub.
I also couldn't see the brand or model number, although they just two items of work done on it (new motor and new heater) so if they give me the name of the company/person that fixed it, I could probably get more details on manufacturer and/or model number.
Anyway, the owners gave me some basic instructions (I wrote some of it down, the rest was given in passing during the walkthrough when I didn't have a pen handy).
1) One thing was to use a capful of stabilizer/chlorinator every 3 days.
2) The other (or another) thing was to use a tablespoon of something else (I forgot) once a week, I believe (I didn't have a pen handy).
Anyone know which chemical this could be?[b/]
3) They said to drain it every so often (every two weeks?).
[b]Any ideas on proper frequency?
4) To drain it, they said to remove a plug and connect the hose, and let it drain into the back yard.
I assume I just need to:
Step a) turn the dial to off (I hope the controls are clearly labeled).
Step b) connect the hose to the drain (after unscrewing the end of the pipe to open it)
Step c) Fill it with water (from garden hose?)
Step d) turn power back on.
Thanks a lot for any tips and advice!