This is my first post and I'm really new at this DVD stuff. My machine has a DVD burner but it isn't that great (Toshiba Samsung TS-H552) and I did not have proper software to burn DVDs, so thought I'ld get a new drive With nero of roxio. Got an HP dvd840i but returned it unopened after reading about some firmware problems which apparently go back at least 6 monhs. Now I see that this Sony DRU-830A / Samsung SH-S182D also has problems. From what I've read at CDFreaks, it is still not clear if the new CDFreaks UnOfficial ver. of the 04 firmware fix is sufficient or if there will be something soon form Sony/Samsung.
I want the drive primarily to copy a DVD I had made (from SVHS) to give to family and friends and also to make CD's from cassette tapes that I recorded on the gig with various bands that I worked with. I am Not that interested in the speediest drive or even lightscribe. Mostly, I want good quality burn, reliabilty and high compatibilty with DVD+R, since it seems that they may be better than -R.
Also available locally:
LiteOn SHM-165P6S
Pioneer DVR-710B5PK (didn't work; jumper may have been incorrect?)
Memorex Dual-Format 32023292 (no DVD-RAM)
Suggestions please? I've been researching and shopping for a week and I'm anxious to get started with this.
Should I return the Sony and order something that has been highly recommended here?
As noted in the review, there is a rebate from Sony for $20 through Jan. 06, 2007 but it's Only Valid when purchased from specific sellers - Best Buy NOT included; Circuit City and COMPusa are OK. Details here:
Thanks for your attention.