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how many people are burning dual layer DVDs?


Postby Compaq on Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:18 am

Is DVDShrink compatible with DL discs? I bought this awesome surf DVD called "Step Into Liquid" and Shrink couldn't get it down to fit on a single layer DVD R. So I had to split the video on two discs.
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While we spend so much on weapons and take schools for granted
While we watch with apathy as this war runs rampant
How is it we're more shocked with what Justin did to Janet?"
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Postby seaegg on Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:19 am

I've burned 10 DL discs so far, 7 Verbatim and 3 Riteks.
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Postby supraman215 on Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:29 pm

I haven't burned any DL's if I want a movie uncompressed I just use DVD fab Plat. and burn it to 2 discs, I get an intermission but I get everything wihout paying $8 a disc. I think at $2 I'll switch over.
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