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How do you do compress rips?

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How do you do compress rips?

Postby gigabyte on Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:01 pm

Sorry for all of the questions guys :oops:

Anyhow, I have a DVD i want to rip (pirates of the caribbean) but how do I do a compressed rip since this movie is a very large size?

I am using DVD Shrink 3 Beta 5.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby NoSmartz on Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:20 pm

Well,if you want all the special features,make sure the Automatic optioned is checked in the main window.To take away a few more things,lose the subtitles and the audio that's in a different language.
I'm more familiar with DVD Shrink 2.3 in re-authoring so I'll go from there.If you just want the movie,click on the re-author button at the top.
In Shrink 2.3,drag the main movie file over to the left side window and from there the options in the right window will open up for compression etc.....Get rid of the foriegn language audio(Spanish,French or whatever)it takes up a lot of space.Leave english alone(Unless you don't understand english)Find the compress rate that fits it to disk.Pirates should be a high rate,something like 40 to 50 %.
I haven't figured out the re-author in DVD Shrink 3.0 beta 5 yet.I have both versions installed.
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