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Iomega 48x24x48 Ext USB 2.0 drive...

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Iomega 48x24x48 Ext USB 2.0 drive...

Postby scottm on Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:50 am

This is now on "sale" at CompUSA for a pretty decent price ($99 after rebate). I'm pretty sure this is a Lite-On drive and I actually used to LIKE HotburnPro (by Asimware) until Iomega bought them out and just sat on the program. Very cool interface.

Anyway...does anyone have any experience with this drive? I hear the biggest issue with Iomega is that they never upgrade their firmware....or offer any support. Overlooking these minor issues ;) ...can this drive by modified to be recognized as a Lite-On like some of them can?
CD-RW Thug
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