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Japanese brands relying on their own production


Japanese brands relying on their own production

Postby MediumRare on Thu May 26, 2005 12:34 pm

Pioneer and Sony are currently the only two Japanese brands completely relying on self-production for their DVD burners

I suppose they must consider LiteOn to be part of the Sony concern if they're making this statement. :roll: Maybe Pioneer will buy up BTC (just to name something weird) and continue "self-production". Has NEC outsourced their DVD-production?

[edit]changed title: was "Pioneer Denies Rumors It Will Outsource DVD Burners"[/edit]
Last edited by MediumRare on Fri Jun 03, 2005 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pioneer Denies Rumors It Will Outsource DVD Burners

Postby Ian on Thu May 26, 2005 1:48 pm

I'm not sure about NEC. That's a good question. I thought the same thing about Sony though. :roll:
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Postby TCAS on Thu May 26, 2005 2:12 pm

I do not believe that Pioneer, Sony NEC or any major manufacture each they have their own plant and producing their own drive, although they might have their own design and spects but they all outsource the manufacturing process of producing the drive to may two or three plan manufacturing in China.
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Jun 03, 2005 1:26 pm

OEM Prices Of 16x DVD Burners To Drop To US$40 wrote:Pioneer and Sony, the only Japanese brands relying on their own production, will be...
BenQ and Lite-On IT are poised to compete for OEM orders from then two Japanese companies

I don't get this- does Sony still produce it's own DVD-burners somwhere? All their drives I've seen or heard about in the last 2 years were made by LiteOn. :o

(who changed the title of the thread)
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Postby ItalianJob on Fri Jun 03, 2005 4:19 pm

Plextor 740 (= rebadged BenQ 1640 with limited firmware) made in china (and malaysia)...


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Postby Ian on Fri Jun 03, 2005 4:46 pm

ItalianJob wrote:Plextor 740 (= rebadged BenQ 1640 with limited firmware) made in china (and malaysia)...

And its still expensive. What did they limit in it? Let me guess, they disabled most of the BenQ specific stuff like Q-Scan.
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Postby ItalianJob on Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:36 pm

Yeah, it's even worse... Text translated and summarized by koba :

"YSS got his first review of the PX-740 up.
Just to summarize:
1) No bitsetting, Spead Read or Autostrategy etc setting. Only setting is DMA
and BurnProof setting with Plextools.
2) No Quality Check with Plextools
3) No Quality Checking with DVDINFOPro 4.15
4) No quality Checking in Nero CD-DVD Speed 3.80
5) Only Booktype setting in QSuite 1.0
6) Booktype and speed setting in SetSpeed (Plextor tool delivered with drive)
7) No Booktype setting in nero
8 ) Flashable to BENQ DW1640 with WinDWFlash.exe and BSHB.CVT
By Flashing to Benq CDDVDSPEED DVDINFOPRO and QSuite fully functional
9) No way of flashing back to PX-740 at the moment (Original Firmware of
drive cant be saved with BENQCVT.EXE)

http://homepage2.nifty.com/yss/px740a/px740a.htm "
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Postby TCAS on Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:56 pm

Thanks ItalianJob, for the excellent job and the infrmation you have provided. That shows some of us that pay very high price for DVD burner from brand name in preception that we pay for highiest quality not provided by others can also be wrong and misled. High prices does not always constitute quality.
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Re: Japanese brands relying on their own production

Postby Scour on Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:58 pm

MediumRare wrote: Maybe Pioneer will buy up BTC (just to name something weird) and continue "self-production".

I thought BTC was bought by Foxconn?
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