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Just got the LG 4160B media recommendations?


Just got the LG 4160B media recommendations?

Postby supraman215 on Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:31 pm

I just got this burner and have been learning a lot about it over the past couple days. I purchased 16x ridata media from newegg, this media will only write at 4x and after writing it the drive was unable to read it. I found out that other people have had the same problem with the same drive. So I did more research and found a list on cdrinfo about what media works with the drive and at what speed.

Does anyone else have a list of what DVD media they have used and had success with in this drive? I also have Verbatim 8x and they burn at 12x. I was thinking of just getting more of them. Any other recomendations? I'm looking for stuff that will burn at 8x or higher. Thanks.

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Re: Just got the LG 4160B media recommendations?

Postby Ian on Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:44 pm

supraman215 wrote:Does anyone else have a list of what DVD media they have used and had success with in this drive? I also have Verbatim 8x and they burn at 12x. I was thinking of just getting more of them. Any other recomendations? I'm looking for stuff that will burn at 8x or higher. Thanks.

Shoulda read my review. You woulda known that the Ritek and CMC 16x media worked at only 4x.

http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... erformance
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Re: Just got the LG 4160B media recommendations?

Postby supraman215 on Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:13 pm

Ian wrote:
supraman215 wrote:Does anyone else have a list of what DVD media they have used and had success with in this drive? I also have Verbatim 8x and they burn at 12x. I was thinking of just getting more of them. Any other recomendations? I'm looking for stuff that will burn at 8x or higher. Thanks.

Shoulda read my review. You woulda known that the Ritek and CMC 16x media worked at only 4x.

http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... erformance

I acutally read part of your review on several drives, which is what lead me to buy that drive. I just didn't read that page, whops. lol. Thank you though. I'm going to keep track of that. Thanks.

Buffer Underrun
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