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Lite-On SOHD-16P9S - Anyone Own One?

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Lite-On SOHD-16P9S - Anyone Own One?

Postby Ian on Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:55 am

Just curious if anyone has a Lite-On SOHD-16P9S. I'm thinking of picking one up from Newegg.
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Postby aviationwiz on Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:56 am

Going by a review at Newegg,
I have always used Liteons, this drive makes less noise than the 167t but doesnt read DVD's or Pc game backups as good as the 167t. Not a bad drive, but not as good as the Liteon 167t drive.

I'll pass. I would of course be interested in an actual review with tests over just that.
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Postby Bhairav on Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:24 pm

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:38 pm

what's with the weird name? why is it different from the standard naming system?
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Postby frank1 on Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:31 am

I own one LITE-ON SOHD 16P9S DVD-ROM reader
This drive came with a SF09 stock firmware allowing these max reading speeds:
DVD R: 8x
DVD RW: 8x
DVD R DL: 8x

I flashed this drive with the SF09 patched firmware from "codeguys"
as described here
allowing the following reading speeds when you set them to the max possibilities:
DVD R: 16x
DVD RW: 16x
DVD R DL: 12x
Disable Smart-X: yes

I plan to use now the drive to do tranfer rate tests of burned DVD's both SL and DL
as described in these reviews here
and also in your reviews at CDRLabs

I have always used Liteons, this drive [the 16P9S] makes less noise than the 167t but doesnt read DVD's or Pc game backups as good as the 167t. Not a bad drive, but not as good as the Liteon 167t drive.
I could not find a SOHD-167T so I bought this SOHD-16P9S. I just hope that it is able to do the same job with the high allowed read speeds.
Last edited by frank1 on Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby frank1 on Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:28 pm

I am now using successfully this Lite-ON drive to do transfer rate in order to estimate the writing quality of DVD's, for example here:
http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 9&start=24

Despite the fact that you can often read that DVD-ROM readers are not reliable for making error scans,
I discovered that a study exists on how this drive reports PI/PIF errors under K-Probe compared to a Audioddev SA300 CATS system

So I think to make it more simple I will also use this unique drive to obtain PI/PIF scans with CD DVD Speed and get at least a TREND about the burning quality like HERE
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