I keep asking the same question over and over.
What is the deal with Lite-On's horrible cpu usage?
Lite-On fanatics come up with all sorts of excuses.
i.e. I'm a huge fan of lite-on, cpu usage isn't a problem
for me. Or, it's not an issue, I have a very fast computer.
Or, why are you being picky? Or, it's simply a firmware
issue, they'll get to it eventually. Etc, etc,...
If everyone else can keep cpu usage way down, where
it should be, then why can't the GODS from Lite-On?
Lite-On uses double or triple the cpu usage. I don't see
any extra performance. And judging from the latest
52x24x52x burners, Asus and a few others are at the
very least keeping up. Can you imagine if Plextor or
Yamaha or anyone else started using double or triple
the cpu usage to increase performance?
Lite-On would be in the dust.
Lite-On specializes in this market unlike Yamaha, Asus,
TKD etc. They have the high priced engineers and software
people that should be able to crank out top notch products
everytime. Let's not forget! They have been using the same
identical drives for a long while. Only the mediums and
firmware have changed. So, they know these drives very,
very well.
If everyone writing articles and lite-on supporters would
stop overlooking or denying that lite-on burners have a
real problem concerning cpu usage then maybe Lite-On
would do something about it. You are making life real easy
for the guys and gals making huge salaries at Lite-On. You
are letting them off the hook. The sales figures tell the
bosses that the high priced engineers must be worth the
money. While you skimp, they live the high life with sloppy
work that you keep accepting just because it's Lite-On and
a few dollars less than the others.
Let me make it clear. I like Lite-on products but I don't feel
like I must look the other way. They don't owe me and I
don't owe them. They have one goal - make money. I as a
consumer have one goal - value.
Lite-On: Winmodem of CD-Burners