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Liteon Drive problems

Postby player1327 on Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:32 pm

I have the liteon 48x24x48x16 combo drive and i've been having a few problems with it lately. when i put in a cdr to check the manufacturer in nero cd speed, it will not let me find out who the manufacturer is, it won't display anything (although i know they're TY) but this function just doesn't seem to work anymore.

I've also read through the forums that liteon dvd drives are best at ripping dvds, however there's been a some dvds (with a light scratches) that i've tried to rip but i get ripping errors while it rips fine on a friend's dvd-rom.

anyone know what could cause these problems and if I can fix them somehow?

the only thing i've done to the drive is disable region check (i can't seem to enable it again either) from ltnrpc.

would upgrading the firmware help?
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Postby BurninMan921 on Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:34 pm

If you don't already have the latest firmware, then, yes, upgrading it usually helps (mostly writing quality, but also reading too).

You will have to run the program to remove the region protection again after you upgrade the firmware. Just a heads up.

I have a Lite-On 166 drive (just the DVD-ROM, and it'll read just about ANYTHING I throw at it, scratched or not. It's the only Lite-On I've ever had that hasn't given me any problems - I have crappy luck with the burners, for some reason (owned 3, used 4).
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Re: Liteon Drive problems

Postby MediumRare on Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:32 am

player1327 wrote:when i put in a cdr to check the manufacturer in nero cd speed, it will not let me find out who the manufacturer is, it won't display anything (although i know they're TY) but this function just doesn't seem to work anymore.

Some programs such as Alcohol 120% and CloneCD offer an option to hide the media code (or something similar). This allows CDR's to work with some games that check for copied disks. But it also disables the display of the ATIP info (with manufacturer's ID). If you've installed something like this recently, make sure that the option isn't active.

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