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Postby Compaq on Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:09 am

Does anyone have the BenQ version of this IO Magic drive? I do and for some reason the discs I burn won't play. I keep getting a "Check Region Code" error message on my Aiwa DVD player. I got mine at the Staples BF sale. Sometimes it won't even recognize its own burned disc.

I also have an Emprex 8x and an IO Magic 8x with 7 in 1 card reader (both BTC/Top G drives) and at least some of the discs burned will play (depending on which media I use). However, both those Top G drives don't burn reliably at 8x like the BenQ.

From the drive sticker it says it was made in Malaysia in August of 2004. Model number is 1620.OC1 or something like that.
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Postby DVD_ADDICT on Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:05 pm

I have 2 I/O MAGIG rebadged BENQ 1620 drives manufactured August 2004. I have no problems with those 2 drives. It seems your problem isn't the drive but could be the software you're using to burn your dvds. What software are you using to backup your dvds? Need more information from you in order to help you out. Remember your operating system has to be fooled with regard to region settings so you don't get the message of only so many region changes allowed. Use DVD REGION KILLER for that purpose.
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Postby Compaq on Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:23 pm

I use DVD Shrink 3.1 and I played around with the settings in Shrink by making it Region Free or just by checking the box for Region 1. My Aiwa is Region 1 and both my combo drive and IOMagic/BenQ are set to Region 1.

It doesnt' matter if I do disc to disc in Shrink or if I rip/re-encode the disc in the Benq using Shrink then take out the source disc and put a blank +/- disc and use Nero to burn the contents of the Video TS folder or as an ISO image.

The Benq is no longer in my computer. It's in my mom's old P3 933mhz Gateway and the discs are still unreadable when burned on my mom's comp with DVD Shrink 3.2.
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Postby DVD_ADDICT on Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:32 pm

As for your region question you can not just set the disc you're burning to REGION 1 without having your operating system become REGION 1 or become REGION FREE.

read the above link and perhaps you'll understand what I am talking about. as for you dvds not being able to be read it sounds like a MEDIA problem. what brands of dvd media are you using?
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Postby Compaq on Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:55 am

I've used all kinds of + and - discs. Sony, TDK, Verbatim Digital Movie Reel, GQ, Fuji, Memorex, CompUSA, Maxell.

Only on the Benq does the discs trigger a "Check Regional Code" on my DVD player. However, the discs for the most part will play on a computer DVDROM or RW drive.

I'll check out the link you posted. Thanks!
"How much tax dollars to bomb the whole planet?
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Postby Compaq on Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:14 am

Anyone want to test one or two discs burned on my IOMagic/Benq 1620? I can put one movie on a - and one movie on a +. I'll include an SASE so you can return them to me at your convenience. Thanks!
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Postby DVD_ADDICT on Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:01 am

Why would you want someone to test discs burned by your BENQ 1620? Do you have a friend that could test it for you? :)
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Postby Compaq on Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:28 pm

They all have $25 Daewoos, Cobys, Hyteks and any other cheap brands that don't play burned DVDs!

My mom has an Apex 1600 and that doesn't play burned DVDs either.

I already sent some to my brother who has a Zenith and an Apex 1100 so we'll see how those go.

But yeah, I could've thought it out more...I'll go lend some to classmates and I'll bring some over to Circuit City and test out the players on display.
"How much tax dollars to bomb the whole planet?
While we spend so much on weapons and take schools for granted
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Postby Compaq on Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:32 am

Okay, I was able to test the DVDs on other people's players.

DVDs burned by my Benq work in newer PS2s, but not the first production run PS2s. The DVDs load up slow and play fine. However, if you choose a scene from the scene selection menu, it also loads up slow. It's better to start the movie and just FF through the chapters.

I then had the DVDs tested on a Digix player. It's a cheapo player, less than $30. When the player spins up, it sometimes makes a loud rattling noise. Sometimes the DVD plays, other times it's a disc error and you have to eject the tray then close it again. The DVD will then sometimes load up.
"How much tax dollars to bomb the whole planet?
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