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More Bad Discs - Verbatim DataLife Plus

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More Bad Discs - Verbatim DataLife Plus

Postby Joker on Sun Feb 02, 2003 12:03 pm

Getting even worse results from Verbatim DataLife Plus Super Azo discs than I got from the TDK garbage (http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=9014). First disc was 65% damage, and the second was 51%, and on that one, CD Speed's progress indicator actually stalled at one point as it repeatedly tried to read one damaged sector. Another case of low quality Made in Taiwan. These were the Verbatim that's available at Target in 30, 50, and I think 100 packs. I thought Verbatim DataLife Plus were supposed to be excellent quality, but I guess the MAde in Taiwan label says it all. Back to Fuji's TY.

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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Feb 02, 2003 1:10 pm

are you sure those are DataLife Plus, not ValueLife?
the ValueLife are CMC, a lower (much lower!) grade than the DataLife Plus which are supposed to be very good!
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Postby Joker on Sun Feb 02, 2003 3:54 pm

Absolutely positive. DataLifePlus Super Azo, 48X. Worst results I've ever had, but like I said, they were also made in Taiwan. I'll never get their discs again if they say Made in Taiwan. Back to Fuji TY's.

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Postby Scour on Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:02 pm


Which writer do you use?
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:07 pm

Joker wrote:Absolutely positive. DataLifePlus Super Azo, 48X. Worst results I've ever had, but like I said, they were also made in Taiwan. I'll never get their discs again if they say Made in Taiwan. Back to Fuji TY's.


I've had excellent results from the Made In Mexico version.
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Postby Joker on Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:38 pm

Scour wrote:Hello!

Which writer do you use?

Lite-On 40125S with zs0p firmware.

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Postby Joker on Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:19 pm

Here's an update. I just found that if I test those discs that were sooo bad with CD Speed in my Afreey 56X CD-ROM drive, they test perfect. The same test reading them in the Lite-On produces those really crappy results. It looks like the Lite-On is dying, still able to write, but no longer able to read properly.

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Postby jase on Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:25 pm

I was going to say!!!

To get such bad results with CMC and Mitsubishi, there must be something wrong somewhere -- both discs are perfectly capable of being burned with no C2 errors.

In fact, I have to say that I come across very few CDRs that won't burn well at their stated speed on at least one of my burners (well at least good enough to read back with no C2 errors anyway) -- which removes the discs as the culprit. Problems like this are 99% of the time due to the writer.

An example -- a friend of mine with a Plextor 24x burner was complaining about some Postech 24x media that wouldn't burn properly. They burned fine at 52x on my Artec and LiteOn 52x writers. He still wouldn't have it though that it was his burner at fault. "It's a Plextor, blah blah blah" <sigh> :roll:
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Postby Scour on Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:22 am

jase wrote:I was going to say!!!

To get such bad results with CMC and Mitsubishi, there must be something wrong somewhere -- both discs are perfectly capable of being burned with no C2 errors.

In fact, I have to say that I come across very few CDRs that won't burn well at their stated speed on at least one of my burners (well at least good enough to read back with no C2 errors anyway) -- which removes the discs as the culprit. Problems like this are 99% of the time due to the writer.

An example -- a friend of mine with a Plextor 24x burner was complaining about some Postech 24x media that wouldn't burn properly. They burned fine at 52x on my Artec and LiteOn 52x writers. He still wouldn't have it though that it was his burner at fault. "It's a Plextor, blah blah blah" <sigh> :roll:

Yes, at over 90% are the burner is to blame for errors on the CD´s.

But the Plextor PX-W 2410A has a very high writing quality, maybe he don´t like Postech, but which writer likes all kind of media? No one
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Mon Feb 03, 2003 1:42 pm

I'm sad to hear your CD-RW is dying.

Both of my CD-RW's are less than 30 days old, so it's unlikely mine are dying. Also I tested my TDK CD-R's in my laptop DVD reader, and it wouldnt read, so it's 100% probable that the TDK CD-R's are the worst batch of CD-R's anyone's come across...
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Postby Joker on Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:31 pm

I got the new Lite-On 52x24x52 in, burned the first disc, ran scandisc in Nero CD Speed, and it was a perfect disc. Life is good again. Never had a CD drive die before. Heck, even my SCSI NEC 2X CD-ROM drive was working when I removed it a year ago (I figured 6 disc capability with the changer, the burner, and the single CD-ROM drive is enough).

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Postby BillyG on Sat Feb 15, 2003 8:46 am

Just curious - how long did you have that 40125S drive for and how many CD-Rs you think you burned with it? Im really wondering about the durablity of Lite-On drives - maybe thier quality control is slipping?? :-? I have read several stories of the drives lazer dying after 100+ burns. I havent had any problems with my 48125W and Memorex 48Maxx drives after 5 months of everyday use.
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Postby Joker on Sat Feb 15, 2003 9:17 am

BillyG wrote:Just curious - how long did you have that 40125S drive for and how many CD-Rs you think you burned with it?

I got it right after it came out, and had only burned probably about 200-250 discs with it.

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Postby Pio2001 on Sat Feb 22, 2003 5:10 pm

Bad results here from Verbatim Datalife Plus Super Azo 48x "goods of EU origin", mitsubishi ATIP.

Yamaha CRW3200 burner.

Results OK at 16x burning (CD Speed runs at max speed and finds no error in the Memorex DVD Maxx 1648 drive)
Results KO at 24x burning. Lots of errors. Unreadable parts.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Feb 22, 2003 7:43 pm

where were these made, Pio2001 ?
Taiwan? Mexico? India?
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Postby jase on Sun Feb 23, 2003 12:36 am

Goods of EU origin would imply Europe wouldn't it? :roll: :D

Anyways, the Yamaha 3200 is a prime example of writers not discs being to blame for most incompatibility problems. Yamaha has always been a funny one, very good burns on some types of media but an absolute bitch with obscure far-eastern brands. And as soon as the drives get old they become a total pain in the a$$ because Yamaha stop bothering to release the firmware which has those nasty little strategy tables built-in. A less extreme version of what made older Philips drives so monumentally awful. No excuse for it, as other brands are capable of burning them. Just a flaw in the Yamaha design.
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