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New CD-DVD Speed out


New CD-DVD Speed out

Postby Vanderlow on Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:29 pm

CD-DVD speed 3.4:

The new version (3.40) is out.

Here is the list of changes:

Create Data Disc: Test results can be recorded on the disc.

Disc Quality Test:

Added enhanced scanning capabilities for BenQ 8x DVD recorders.

Added advanced jitter test for AOpen Combo drives and CD-RW recorders.

Added colored bars on the background to show the acceptable level of errors.

Improved scoring system.

Many small improvements and bug fixes


Here's a sample graph done with a DW800A:

http://club.cdfreaks.com/attachment.php ... 0848&stc=1
BenQ DW1620
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