Well, I've put around 1,000 pieces of regular DVD-5 recordable media in my LG GSA-120B without a problem (worth mentioning anyway). Today I decided to use this Ritek DVD+R DL that I aquired somehow for free. Well, I dumped this por...er, um movie onto my HDD and pointed Nero 6 to the movie files. Went through the 40+ minutes to burn almost 8gb of data and at the very end, Nero says there was a "Track/Focus error" or something to that effect. "WTF!" I thought. I was really freakin pissed at the prospect of a $10 coaster. Well, even though the disk wasn't properly closed, all my DVD players still read it perfectly (up until the very end). I was just wondering if this was the media's fault (Ritek is turning into ass lately from what I can see), or if my burner is dieing (I burnt about 5 DVD-5s after that and they came out just like usual).