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Is it okay to delete these files?

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Is it okay to delete these files?

Postby BuddhaTB on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:09 am

I'm running Windows XP and was wondering if it would be okay to delete everything in my Temp folder that is found under the documents and settings folder in my c drive? My Temp folder is 228MB, so I want to know if its okay to delete or not.

Here's the directory of that Temp folder:
C\Documents and settings\BuddhaTB\Local Settings\Temp
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Postby cfitz on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:09 am

It should be okay to delete those files.

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:09 am

i was wondering the same thing...
deleted everything. (about a month ago).
nothing happened AFAIK.
all seems to be OK.
suggest you do it with no open apps.
(if you have a running app that is using some files in the TEMP and you delete it, might mess up the app or its data).
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It will be OK

Postby BatGnat on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:10 am

Anything in the temp DIR is fair game for deletion.

If the file is in use, it can not be deleted, XP/NT/2000 wont allow it.

Dont forget that under XP there are 2 temp dirs:



"c:documents and settings%username%local settingstemp"
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