I have several older CD-RW discs (Memorex 2X media) that I formatted, created and wrote to with my Dell Latitude C610 Notebook, which has the Samsung SN-308B CDRW-DVD (24x/8x/8x) combo drive. Those disks continue to be formatted, read and written to fine in that laptop and drive - using both DirectCD AND the built-in Windows CD writing tools.
I just purchased a new Dell 8250 which comes with the new Samsung SM-348B (48x/24x/16x) combo drive, and I am having problems with the SAME media that works fine in the other drive:
With DirectCD:
The new drive recognizes those same older disks fromatted by the older computer, and I can read the data written by my older computer. I can even use the new drive to write to the older media. However, I can't FORMAT the same older CD-RW disks in the new drive. During the DirectCD format, I get error messages, and the format quits. Again, though, I can format those same discs successfully in my older computer!
With the built-in Windows CD writing tools:
It recognizes the same disk/media as a CD-RW, but on some of the disks it won't read the data (shows disk as blank), and writes to the media don't "take" - always shows as blank.
The new drive works fine with newer, high speed media, but I really need to get it to format, read and write to these older disks!
I am running Windows XP on both machines, with all updates applied, and the latest Easy CD Creator/DirectCD 5.3 including the patch from the Dell Web site...
Can anyone help?