Still, no one has voted against the idea yet

. But OK. You're the boss around here (or one of them - I'm too new here to tell exactly).
How about an alternative layout of the review section then? You can keep the current listing sorted by brand, but you could also make one sorted by type of drive (like those four I suggested in my last post). If each category is sorted by date in descending order then that could really help people find what they're looking for as well.
Instead of having to go all the way through that immense list then you could go to the category, e.g. DVD recordable, and then check out the newest reviews (which probably matches the newest drives).
You have a wealth of information at this site, but it's easy to miss a current review even if you're careful.
Oh, and it might not be because people are too lazy. Not everyone needs to know why some specific drive is the best for them. Some people only need to know that they have a need for a certain feature and now they want a drive that's not going to be a complete waste of money. So they skip to the conclusions and see which drive gets the most "editor's choice" or "best value" awards and then buys that.
Those who want (or need) to know more will go through the reviews still and apply whatever preference they have. A leaderboard won't hide any information - it will just provide
another point of entry to the information you have.