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PDF 64-bit v.4 encryption. What to use in order to decrypt?

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PDF 64-bit v.4 encryption. What to use in order to decrypt?

Postby cold_fusion on Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:10 pm

I have a PDF file I can open and see. The problem is when I try to open the same with A.PDF.PR 2.12 I get the following message: "This document was created with eBook Exchange(EBX_HANDLER) 64-bit security v.4 encryption handler. This protection method is not suported". A.PDF.PR 2.12 can only open 40-bit encryption keys. Is there another program that can do this for me? That can atually decrypt 64-bit v.4 encrypted PDF files?

Thanx :D
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Postby integspec on Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:32 pm

64Bit is little tricky, but try this:
Passware http://www.lostpassword.com/acrobat.htm


Btw, 'think you are in the wrong forum. This question should go to "General Software Questions" which is here:

HTH / Good Luck.
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