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Pine External 52x mini review

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Pine External 52x mini review

Postby CameraMan on Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:34 am

Picked up a Pine External CD-RW USB 2.0 drive today. Impressed so far.

Inside, the actual drive is a Mitsumi CR-487ETE 52x24x52x 2003/03.
The face of the drive is silver, to match the case.

Using some Memorex 48x media, burned very nice.. no dips in speed or anything. Nero Speed tests it nice.

The case itself is so-so. It's wide.. wide as my tower case. Reason is the power supply sits on the side, not in the back like some units. The sides are aluminium, front is plastic. won't look new for long. On the top is a wavy bit of plexyglass with a HUGE High-Speed USB logo on it. Down the road, I might put a nice bit of stained plywood in it's place.

That plastic is ugly. The case also supports putting in a 3.5" hard drive. I think it's a little large for a tiny thing like that. On the back is a jack for the power cable (standard AC we all know & love), holes for the mini-fan, the USB port, and RCA audio-out.

In the box you get two CD's of software, one says you get Nero 5 , but its Express, and a driver disc. Also is a blank CD-R 48x 700mb. Would have rather had me a 24x CD-RW disc.

Had it 2 hours, and I've already put the drive in my internet box (the old LG burner was wonky), and put my BenQ DVD+RW in the case.

All in all.. worked out good. Got the thing for $160 CDN at Best Buy Canada, and then there is a rebate, takes it down to $90. Hard to get a quality case for that price.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Slurpee Capital of the world!
BenQ DW400A, LG 24x, 48x & 52x
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