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PIO vs. DMA revisited

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Postby KCK on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:29 am


While posting this message, I saw cfitz's reply; it basically agrees with my recommendations for LG 8522B.


Let me say that I'm pleasantly impressed by your patience as well. Unfortunately many users don't respond to our suggestions, and then it is not clear whether these suggestions worked.

As for your CD-ROM drive LG 8522B, you should get Multi-DMA mode 2


(just goggle for "LG 8522B" to get a lot of other links).

As for disabling NeroCheck, typical sources don't say how much time you could save at start up. Thus, unless you check that having NeroCheck enabled leads to significant delays, you should leave it alone. On my XP Pro box, booting up is so quick that I don't care for any "speedups", most of which seem to be urban myth anyway.

Finally, since it's hard to guess how long it takes for you to replace discs, you could report mount times starting from closing the tray.
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Postby Pilgrim on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:32 am

Why don't you give it a try in DMA mode?
I'd love to try the CD ROM in DMA mode..... but it doesn't seem to want to allow it? I've got the "Transfer Mode" set to "DMA if available" in my Device Manager, but it only seems to want to use PIO??

I went to the link you provided last night to double check to see if that drive was DMA capable and saw that it was. I don't know why it won't enable DMA. Any ideas? Image

As I told KCK, the "on the fly" copying between the CD ROM and the Lite-on burner isn't that "smooth". In my ignorance, I'm guessing that it is because the ROM is using PIO.

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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:34 am

Pilgrim wrote:
Why don't you give it a try in DMA mode?
I'd love to try the CD ROM in DMA mode..... but it doesn't seem to want to allow it? I've got the "Transfer Mode" set to "DMA if available" in my Device Manager, but it only seems to want to use PIO??

I went to the link you provided last night to double check to see if that drive was DMA capable and saw that it was. I don't know why it won't enable DMA. Any ideas?

Take a look at the BIOS settings, and see if they are set to auto-detect.

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Postby Pilgrim on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:36 am

Hmmmmmmmm, I believe they are. In the Device Manager, for the properties of the Primary IDE Channel, it also says "Auto Detect". If you want me to double check this in the Bios, you are going to have to tell me EXACTLY where (which section) to look, etc., e.g., "Advanced Settings"??
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:38 am

Sorry, I can't tell you exactly where it is in your BIOS since I don't know what BIOS you are using and, even if I did, I probably wouldn't know the BIOS itself. So you will have to poke around a bit. But the advanced settings area sounds like a reasonable place to start looking.

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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:42 am

By the way, the FAQ has a trick that might work as well:


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Postby Pilgrim on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:43 am

Hahaha..... okay....... and if it IS set to "Auto Detect".... then what? Just confirm that it is or do you want me to try something else?
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:54 am

Try removing the LG CD-ROM in device manager, then rebooting and allowing XP to reinstall it.

If that doesn't work, tell me what the other options are available in your BIOS besides "auto detect"

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Postby Pilgrim on Thu Mar 06, 2003 2:25 am

Here's what I did:
  • Removed the CD ROM and rebooted
  • Checked the Bios and changed the parameter to "Auto"
  • No change so I rebooted again and checked the Bios setting and it had reverted back to "CDROM"
Here are the options I have listed in my Bios (Auto Detect section):
  • 1-46: Predefined types
  • USER: Enter parameters manually
  • Auto: Set parameters automatically on each boot
  • CDROM: Use for ATAPI CDROM drives
  • ARMD: Use for ATAPI Zip drives

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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 2:37 am

Hmm. About the only suggestion I have at this point is to try the two tricks in the FAQ:


(I would try the second post's suggestion first, then the first post's).

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Postby Pilgrim on Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:02 am

Okay...... tried fix #2 a couple of times but no change. As far as suggestion #1 goes...... well..... hehe, I'm not sure I'm willing to take the chance of destroying everything. Yes, I have a full system backup, but I'm not really convinced it's worth the risk. If someone was willing to give me reasonable assurances that uninstalling my Primary IDE Channel won't cause a major problem, I MIGHT consider it. Image

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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:26 am

All I can say is that others have reported that it causes no harm. But I haven't tried it myself. If you aren't comfortable, maybe you might want to try swapping the CD-ROM and CD-RW, as suggested in my earlier post:

http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 5901#55901

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Postby Han on Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:58 am

Sometimes you have to delete the drive thru the Registry to "force" Windows redetect it from scratch. Take a look at this and this thread.

Also, check for obsolete drives in Computer Management console. The easiest way to access it is to right click on My Computer. Select Manage and take a look at Removable Storage / Physical Locations.
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:33 am

Thanks Han. I couldn't remember that key (it's rather cryptic - {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} :o ) and was hoping removing the drive with device manager would have the same effect.

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Postby Pilgrim on Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:14 pm

Hans, cfitz,

Removing that string from the Registry and rebooting worked! Image

So, it would appear I am back to where I should be and all is working great so far. This is great. Image

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:27 pm

i should update the FAQ to include Han's info.
i have it lying around somewhere...

:o have to stop putting things off :o
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:45 pm

Pilgrim wrote:Removing that string from the Registry and rebooting worked!

Good deal. Let's hope it keeps on behaving. :)

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Postby ariranha on Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:36 pm

Han wrote:Sometimes you have to delete the drive thru the Registry to "force" Windows redetect it from scratch. Take a look at this and this thread.

Also, check for obsolete drives in Computer Management console. The easiest way to access it is to right click on My Computer. Select Manage and take a look at Removable Storage / Physical Locations.

worked for me too .. thanks :wink:
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Postby cfitz on Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:46 pm

It's such good advice that it has been added to the FAQs:

http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 6261#56261

Thanks Han.

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Postby Han on Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:26 am

You're welcome and thanks for putting it to the FAQs section. Well done! :)
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