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pioneer and cd/dvd speed


pioneer and cd/dvd speed

Postby Hobs on Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:56 pm

hi, i just bought a dvr212, and burning using nero's create data disc shows that the dvr212 seems to be cutting in and out, it produces spikes every 5mm on the graph, i also had this prob with my dvra10xl, is it a flaw in the pioneer's burning? or is it just something like nero is reporting incorrectly? it reports that the buffer is always above 95% on both drives
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Postby Ian on Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:38 pm

That sounds like the drive's Optimum Power Calibration (OPC). It monitors the writing process and adjust the laser at certain points. With most drives, this will create a dip in the graph. The number of dips and size of the dip varies from drive to drive.
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Postby Hobs on Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:52 pm

so it would check and change it, say, every 400mb? this would explain why the spikes are evenly spaced

so this means the discs are 100% fine?
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Postby Ian on Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:02 am

Hobs wrote:so it would check and change it, say, every 400mb? this would explain why the spikes are evenly spaced

to this means the discs are 100% fine?

I don't remember how Pioneer's OPC works but with some drives, it is pretty evenly spaced. If you post a screenshot, I can give you a better idea.

Even with OPC, the writing quality can still be bad with some media. If you have a drive that can do write quality testing, you can check the error rates. Otherwise, just do a transfer rate test. If the graph is fairly smooth, there probably aren't any major issues.
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Postby Hobs on Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:36 am

quality seems fine, and spikes dont match with spikes on the quality graph, thanks for the speedy replies, just wanted to know why i had these spikes
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