Having been fairly impressed with the specs of the new DVR-112, I've been looking for a place to buy a pair of them. The problem is that, probably due to Hollywood's paranoia, they don't seem to be readily available in the USA.
I've looked at a couple of UK dealers, but they don't appear to be set up to ship to my side of the pond.
So, this raises two questions:
(1) Does there exist a dealer in the UK or other country that has the 112 (preferably the 112BK), and is set up to ship to the US?
(2) Failing that, is it possible to cross-flash the 112D into believing that it's a 112? I've been able to find 112D's all over the place, as one might imagine, but I'm uncertain if it's the same hardware.
Thanks much.
Bruce Lane, Owner and Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies
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