My mixing & mastering engineer friends tell me that the Plextor Premium is the CD-R/RW drive of choice for burning pre-master CD-A's to be used for replication. My replication house basically confirms this; & even uses Plextor drives in their OTA's (Optical Transport Assembly.)
But...Plextor no longer mfg.'s the Premium as an external unit (which is the Premium-U), which is the unit I really wanted. The unit is nowhere to be found; & internet resellers & auction houses alike are out of stock.
I called Plextor this afternoon; & after the support tech confirmed various technical aspects about the Premium series...he then suggested that I may be able to get one (a Premium-U) from a distributor that specializes in marketing discontinued drive products. He said the name was Que Tech...but I've searched everywhere & can't find such an outfit.
So my question is: Do any forum members know where I might be able to find this unit? (or...the correct name of this specialty distributor?)
Anything ring a bell?
Any ideas?
BTW - Plextor still mfg.'s the internal Premium CD-RW...but I've always been a bit leery over burning in the box (heat buildup, etc.). The tech told me I could get an external drive enclosure...but the Bridge Chip has to be right on the money...on a par with that offered by Plextor in their external drive, which is mfg.'d by NEC (& I'm not sure I want to take that chance.)