just wanted to get some informed feedback on this whole MP3Pro thing. I have just converted a few previously ripped MP3s (192, VBR) to MP3Pro (80, VBR) format using MusicMatch Jukebox 7.2.172. Here's what I think so far and I welcome additional thoughts on this new "panacea" called MP3Pro.
- file size reduction is real...can definitely save a lot of space of the old HD if you got lots of MP3 files; if you go MP3Pro at 64kbps, space savings will be even better, but if I do make the jump and convert my MP3 library, I will probably sample at 80kbps and at 22khz....yeah, maybe a waste, but that's me....
- initially, back to back listens of the original MP3 and the MP3Pro tracks using the MusicMatch player show no discernable difference to my ear (kinda ok, but certainly not audiophile quality) far so good!
- HOWEVER, back to back playback of the original and converted files using Winamp reveal a DEFINITE difference ...there appears to be a NOTICEABLE lack of high frequency clarity and the overall sound quality of the MP3Pro file seems to lack some "depth" or prescence as compared to the original think this difference is due to the fact that the MusicMatch Jukebox player is designed to properly "decode" and playback MP3Pro files whereas Winamp (2.81 for me, 3 sucks on my system so I rolled back) does not yet have MP3Pro support?
Hoping to get some thoughts here...tia...