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problem burning in Windows XP...

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problem burning in Windows XP...

Postby Jbird on Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:37 am

This doesn't happen every time, but a few times here and there, when I'm burning a CD, my monitor goes black. I don't get a beep, or an error message, and my pc doesn't reboot. The light on my drive stays on, like it's still burning.

my setup
MSI Nforce2 MB
XP 1700+ running @ 2000+
512 DDR333

I thought it might be an Nforce driver issue. I *finally* got the latest NF2 SW-IDE drivers to work. (didn't have them installed before) got the same black screen.

thought it might be my cd drive (MSI 52/32/52) But, I replaced it with an Lite-On 8112s DVD burner yesterday, and got the same black screen.

It might only happen once out of every 20 burns, but there are times where it'll happen like twice out of 5.

I was thinking it might be a power supply problem, but I can play games like Far Cry for hours without a single hickup.

Have my DVD burner on the secondary IDE channel, but no other device attatched. My bios is current, as is my windows update.

I'm thinking about re-installing XP clean, hoping that'll fix it. My question there, if I do the clean install option, it says "windows may remove your current my documents folder" I've heard mixed stories from people as to if this is true. I don't wanna loose my user settings. And the windows backup option isn't work (never gotten it to work on any system) and I can't just copy the files manually, as I get sharring violations on a bunch of the files.

is it safe to do the clean install? if not, what's a decent program that'll take my user settings and maybe even back them up to DVD?

also what's another program with good audio burning? I'm also thinking it might be Nero and if I have to I'll run something else :( Don't need super fancy, but I do use stuff like track normalizing & ogg/mp3 support.

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Postby hoxlund on Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:39 am

are you sure its just not your monitor?

mine clicks black for a second then kicks back on, it was the result from being too hot

so i added a fan to it, sucking out the hot air, and it works just fine now
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Postby burninfool on Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:46 pm

I'm with hoxlund,I think it's your monitor or videocard.
Do you overclock?If so don't...also try a lower resolution or refresh rate.
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Postby Jbird on Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:36 pm

it's not my monitor because it's not *clicking* which it does when it goes to power save mode. Also, the power light doesn't blink when it does it. Oh and if I have let's say an mp3 playing it will stop. It's definately something with a component in my PC.

only thing OC'ed in my CPU and that's a small amount. I could try setting it back toi 1700+, but I don't think that's the cause, because I can play a game like Far Cry for 4 hours without a single hickup.

I'm starting to think it's Nero, need to find new audio burning software :(
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Postby hoxlund on Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:15 am

do you have another video card you could try?

if that still doesn't fix it, then it might be agp slot on mobo, course thats a big IF
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Postby pranav81 on Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:50 am

Does this happen only while burning?If that does then try running your CPU at normal speed for a few burns and see if the problem recurs.Also have you installed SP1?I faced many problems with Win XP without SP1.The computer would reboot automatically when ONLY burning which got me loads of coasters.After SP1 no problems at all.I tried changing burning softwares,in vain.You could try that,but I dont think it will work.

Finally,clean install is the best solution. :)

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Postby Jbird on Sat Jun 12, 2004 4:57 am

I have my XP current with windows update.

I don't have another video card to try. but, this is only happening when I burn, never when playing games. Like I said, it doesn't do it often, but it does it enough to where it's a real problem.

I'm going to buy a new MB in a month or 2, this Nforce2 chipset has given me nothing but problems. This burning issue is a super annoyance I have killed about 15 of these Memorex printable cd's hehe ugh...
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Re: problem burning in Windows XP...

Postby MediumRare on Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:09 am

Jbird wrote:I thought it might be an Nforce driver issue. I *finally* got the latest NF2 SW-IDE drivers to work. (didn't have them installed before) got the same black screen.

Have you tried going with the standard Microsoft drivers? I've hear that there are some issues with the Nvidia drivers. I don't use them on my system for that reason and haven't had any problems.

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Re: problem burning in Windows XP...

Postby Jbird on Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:07 pm

MediumRare wrote:
Jbird wrote:I thought it might be an Nforce driver issue. I *finally* got the latest NF2 SW-IDE drivers to work. (didn't have them installed before) got the same black screen.

Have you tried going with the standard Microsoft drivers? I've hear that there are some issues with the Nvidia drivers. I don't use them on my system for that reason and haven't had any problems.


the burning problem is regardless of if I use the standard XP ide driver or the Nvidia SW-IDE ones. I did a "repair" install of XP from Dos, and haven't had the problem, but I've only burned about 10 disc's, hope it stays working :)
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Postby pranav81 on Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:27 pm

I think there was a problem with your Windows installtions which was cleared when you repaired it.

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