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LG CD-RW problem!

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LG CD-RW problem!

Postby Jbird on Fri Feb 07, 2003 2:04 am

Hi, I bought a re-labled LG, it's a 6400d (40/12/40) I put this on my new system. The MB is the Nforce2 chipset. When I run "cdinfo" it shows the drive as 40x write and 15x read. When I run Cdspeed it never hits above 7. This drive is supposed to be the LG, it says "LG, Hitachi" on the top. Has anyone encountered this problem? my DVD rom seems to hit fine speeds.

I poked around to try and enable DMA but I don't know much about this Nforce2 chipset yet :)

any suggestions would be NICE!
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Postby TheWizard on Fri Feb 07, 2003 4:14 am

Chances are it is because you don't have DMA enabled. Look at these threads for help.

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