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Problem with burning slideshow project to Nero

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Problem with burning slideshow project to Nero

Postby sharonk on Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:41 pm

Hi All

Really need some help with this. Ive created a slde show with various chapters and am receiving an error when trying to burn onto disk.

Its telling me that I am using the wrong type of disk - im using DVD+rw I thought this was the right thing to use.

Please help, im desperate to get this project burned

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Postby sharonk on Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:52 pm

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Postby Justin42 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 5:45 pm

What is the program you are using? (what part of Nero) What is the type of project? (I'm not really familiar with Nero's photo software) What is the EXACT error message?

Are you sure it doesn't need a CD? Is your DVD+RW erased?

Try some DVD-R or DVD+R media (Not rewritable).

Given it's a holiday in the US not many people are around to help...
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Postby sharonk on Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:18 pm

Hi, thanks for your reply

I forgot it was a big holiday (im in Scotland) hope everyone had a wonderful day

I want to create a slide show with chapters which can be played in a dvd player.

Im using NeroVision Express 3.se. It lets me burn the project onto a cd but not a dvd. The cd wont play in my dvd player so its pointless burning onto that.

When using NeroVision express, when you get to the end and reviewing your project, there is a screen showing a remote control and what it would look like when you play it - so you must be able to view it in a DVD player - especially as you are creating chapters - as you would get on a dvd movie.

Ive tried using a non re-writeable dvd and this doesnt work either

The error message is " sorry, your compilation cannot be written on this kind of disk. Please insert a disc of hte correct type or modify the settings of your compilation to make them compatible with the current disk".

I could really be doing with some help - maybe I need to adjust settings or maybe I need to save it and then burn it - I dont know but Its really bugging me


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Postby Justin42 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:34 pm

Did the software happen to come with your burner? (I am thinking the "SE" part may mean it's kind of crippled) Sometimes Nero doesn't burn DVDs in the "Free" versions you get.

That said, what happens when you try to play the CD you've burned on your computer? It may be creating a VideoCD which many, but not all, DVD burners can play. You may need to buy the full version of Nero to do what you wish to do, but it might be better to wait for someone with more experience with the software to see this and confirm.

You may be kind of stuck here if your DVD player won't play the video CD. I don't have the SE version so I probably can't help more. I'd check around the settings and see if it makes any mention of a CD project versus a DVD project.
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Postby sharonk on Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:44 pm

thanks again for your reply!

I think the version im using is a full version.

If someone else that comes on could give me advise, id really appreciate it. Even if someone could recommend different DVD slideshow software

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:09 am

hi sharonk, welcome to CDRLabs. :D

when you start up NeroVision, it asks you What would you like to do, you click on Make Slide Show, what option did you choose? DVD or VideoCD ? if you're gonna record it to a DVD+RW you should choose DVD-Video.

i gotta confess, sex does make a difference.
i was gonna skim to the next topic, then i saw your name+avatar and decided to try help out... :o :P
(if by any chance you're a guy, not a gal, please accept my apologies.
here in Israel Sharon is a name of both boys and girls)
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Postby sharonk on Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:00 am

Hi, thanks for your reply!

Yes, im a girl! I chose the avatar that looked most like me.

I dont have the same options that you do, I only have option to burn video cd - im starting to think I dont have a full version after all. I think im going to download new software and start again without Nero!!!
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:32 am

well, they you must look pretty good!

if the only option you have is VideoCD, then that's what it's making, a VideoCD is a CD, not a DVD.
apparently your version of NeroVision doesn't support DVD burners.
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Postby sharonk on Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:52 am

We've got a charmer here, havent we :lol:

Ive completely given up now and downloaded another slideshow programme - completely lost all the work I put into the other one, but thats life!!!

But thanks all for your replies, im sure ill be back asking more inane quesitons at some point!

Dodec - out of curiosity, can you tell me the meaning of the word Sharon where you are - if you know. Im told it means Princess but also told it means plain (as in fields)

Sharon x
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:18 am

well, i don't know the etymology of the word, but in modern usage (Hebrew language is some 2500 years old; the modern usage is roughly 100 years old, the ancient usage sometimes means something else) Sharon is a name of a geographical part of the land of Israel.
http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%94%D7% ... 7%95%D7%9F

and like i said it's also a first name for both males and females.
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