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problems burning a cd-rw

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problems burning a cd-rw

Postby fbmr on Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:58 pm

Hi folks

I am having problems burning to my newly bought package of Philips CD-RW80's, highspeed 4-12X.

I've burned hundreds of CD's on regular CDR's and CDRW's, both data and audio. I am using Nero 5.5.4.

When I insert the Philips media and go to the D drive properties the shortcut link is invalid. It says "make sure the path and file name are correct." It only does this when a Philips CD-RW80 is in the D drive.

When I insert a different media disk into the D drive the shortcut link works fine.

When I start the burn process to a Philips CD-RW80 in Nero, it says disk not writable, insert a blank CD.

Any tricks or tips? I must be missing something.
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Postby Ian on Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:09 pm

What drive and firmware version?
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