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radeon 9600

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radeon 9600

Postby kaga on Fri Oct 17, 2003 5:59 pm

is there a big berformace between 4x agp and 8x agp??
i am thinking of getting the radeon 9600
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Postby hammad on Sat Oct 18, 2003 1:44 am


radeon 9600pro is the best choice.

there is absolutely no difference in 4x or 8x and 8x is backward compatible with 4x (but not with 2x).

just kook for a company which has the fastest ram chips and a very good heatsink fan.
CD-RW Thug
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Postby kaga on Sat Oct 18, 2003 3:20 am

any major difference in peformace in

ATI RADEON 9600 pro 256MB DDR AGP 8X TV ?
will the 256mb one produce more power or just a little more jucie?
Coming Soon Sager NP2090
Intel® Core™2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz
nVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT w/512MB
2GB DDR2/667 Dual Channel Memory
100GB SATA/150 7,200 RPM
Dell Inspiron 6000
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Postby hammad on Sun Oct 19, 2003 1:23 am

more memory will definitely help in next generations games when developers us more memory and specially when doing antialliasing at high resolutions .

just look for the price that suits you.

if you are investing for long time 256mb is good but if you will upgrade it within next year ,save your money for the radeon 9800se,9600xt or perhaps the upcoming geforce fx 5700.
CD-RW Thug
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