I'll start:
Known bad rebate companies (or their processors who are known to have ripped off shoppers), in no particular order:
a. Buslink - their rebate processors are notoriously bad
b. MadDog - just MAD and BAD
c. OfficeMax - I personally have repeatedly had rebates not fulfilled. Like they say "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". I shall not shop at OfficeMax again.
cfitz says this about MadDOG:
Yes, they really are that bad. I have personal experience being stiffed by Mad Dog, as have others on this forum. And if you think you can protect yourself by making photocopies, sending you materials in with dated delivery confirmation, etc., guess again. I did all that and had full documentation that I had sent in what was required when it was required and in the manner required. But Mad Dog denied my rebate, claiming I hadn't registered my product on their web page. I had registered it, of course, and had the print-out of the registration confirmation. But all my letters, emails and phone calls went unanswered. Eventually I realized I was never going to get any response from them, let alone my rebate, and that it wasn't worth continuing with the hassle for $10.
I think that is their strategy. Deny your rebate (or just "lose" it) and then simply ignore all your efforts to contact them. It doesn't cost them anything to stall, and they know you will eventually get tired of wasting time and money trying to get a relatively small rebate.
I hated to let Mad Dog get away with it, but in the end I decided that all I could realistically do was try to warn others so they don't get ripped off by Mad Dog too.
Please add your experiences here.
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