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Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-ray Player - $149 on Black Friday

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Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-ray Player - $149 on Black Friday

Postby Ian on Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:04 pm

According to Gizmodo, Ultimate Electronics will have Samsung BD-P1500 marked down to $149 on Black Friday.

http://gizmodo.com/5062492/dealzmodo-sa ... ack-friday

A source close to Ultimate Electronics has told us to expect the Samsung BD-P1500 — usually about $400 — for $149 on this particularly welcome and poignant Black Friday. Ultimate Electronics is a primarily Midwestern chain, but look to be offering this deal in cooperation with Samsung — in other words, it's probably not the only place you'll see stupidly cheap Blu-ray players come November 28th.
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Re: Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-ray Player - $149 on Black Friday

Postby Dartman on Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:42 pm

Finally they must have made their profit margins enough to decide to get some of the holdouts waiting for some good prices to jump in. That machine now has Live view with the latest firmware and a 1 gig or bigger usb drive in the slot to make up enough memory for it to work.
Lets hope this is a trend and the movies also start going down to a better price as well. They have to realize that software is where they'll finally make more money, but not if it's so high normal folks wont buy it.
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