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Do Slot load DVD ROMs not exist anymore?!?

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Do Slot load DVD ROMs not exist anymore?!?

Postby jeffybean on Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:11 am

Maybe I just havn't looked hard enough, but it seems like slot load DVD drives are almost impossible to find nowadays. First I went back to look for the Aopen/Pioneer 106s, but all the websites/articles mentioning them are from 2002. Then I stumbled across the more recent 120s/121s, but those are really hard to find now, too!! The few sites that have them are selling them for ~$90!! BACK IN MY DAY, 106s were $50... AND we had to get em on 56k modems!! You kids and your dual layers and fancy DSLs...Back to the issue... what the heck happened to slot load?!? Do they exist anymore?? If so, where can I find them.. and I don't want to be paying out the butt for it either, I can get a really good dual layer DVD burner for ~$70 now and DVD ROMS for ~$30!!!
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Postby shaun on Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:24 pm

Yup..the newest ones that I can find in the OEM chain is the Pioneer 121s..and she runs for $63US (and you are right they are hard to find).

I miss my SCSI slot-load Pionner (305s)..it was a sad day when she clunked off into my tech graveyard. SOB!
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Postby burticus on Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:38 am

I guess they are not popular with the cool kids anymore.

I'll sell you my 106 for 40 bucks if you want it, I can always use another burner...
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:41 am

I found one, but at $99, just too expensive:
http://www.netcomdirect.com/netcomdirec ... atdvd.html

I couldn't find them with a quick search on Reseller Ratings either.
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