Dear All,
Hi.I just saw something about Smart Burn released by Lite-On for its drives.I just followed the link and downloaded the file.I DON'T have a Lite-On drive but I have a LG GCE-8240B with firmware 1.08 on it.I thought that SmartBurn uility would not detect the writer,but not only did it detect the writer but also gave me information on the media.
But I think there is a small glitch.Nero CD-DVD Speed and Nero Infotool report information about a CD-RW that I have as Mitsubishi and SmartBurn detects it as Verbatim.I know that Verbatim and Mitsubishi are one and the same,but still how come both software show diff. manufacturers?
There also is one glitch,when there is no media in the drive SmartBurn does not say that there is no media.It say's "No Media" when the drive tray is out.
It gives the information of the media manufacturer as(when there is no media in the drive) Blue:Cyanine.
See ya guys later,