I rent Chinese VCD discs from a local Chinese video rental in the USA. There are times when the disc because scratch and skips during playback on my DVD machine.
What I normally do is to copy it to a CDR using either CloneCD or ISOBuster (following some suggestion on dvdrhelp in repairing VCD).
I just encountered a disc that when played on DVD machines, it play just fine. However, none of my DVD-RW/CDRW/Combo drive will read it. ISOBuster reports that it is blank. CloneCD will just keep waiting for the disc (I assume that it thinks it is blank also and keep waiting for the drive to be ready).
While this is no big deal, (I can also just skip it), out of curiousity, has anyone seen anything like this? I have not heard of the kind of protection on VCD like the Calcutus Shield or the like.....
Any suggestion as how to back it up? (Just for the fun of it....)