RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:We invented the automobile! What has any other country ever invented? I mean, the big stuff. Cars? USA. Airplanes? USA. First transcontinental railroad? USA. Walking on the moon? USA. Every amazing piece of technology is ours.
yeah, very very funny.
go read up a bit on science and history.
car - no, was not invented in America. in Europe. Germany if i'm not mistaken.
first human made satellite - Sputnik, USSR.
come to think of Germany - V2 rockets, before America had their own.
and yes, who built your rockets (the big stuff

), including the ones that took you to the moon? wasn't it German scientists (cough Nazis cough) smuggled at the end of the war from Germany to the US?
i don't want to come off as anti America, i'm not (i'm American myself and proud of it), and America sure has lots going for it, including inventions, scientific research and achievement, but
Every amazing piece of technology is ours? come on...
RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:by toppling Saddam Hussein we will be freeing people of Iraq, because Hussein is a violent socialist.
Saddam a Socialist??? LOL very funny. do you know what the word means?
and it's rather amusing to read that the reason for attacking Iraq is to "free the people of Iraq".
RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:there is no such thing as global warming!
that's another funny one...