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Nu tech DDW-081 doesn't recognise cd-r disks


Nu tech DDW-081 doesn't recognise cd-r disks

Postby webdokter on Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:11 pm

I've bought a NU tech DDW-081 dvd-recorder and untill now it worked fine. When i bougt it i burned a few dvd+r discs of samsung and it all went fine. I have also burned a few samsung cd-r discs @ 40X and that also went fine. :D

Last week i read that it was possible to make the ddw-081 a ddw-082 by flashing it with a firmware of the ddw-082 because the drives are (almost) the same.

Now the drive still burns the samsung dvd+r 4x discs very well but it doesn't recognise any cd-r discs. I've tried samsung, tdk, maxell, nashua but none are recognised by the burner. :cry:

Is there a simple solution to my problem or needs the drive to be repaired?

I'm running:
AMD athlon xp 2400 @ 2000mhz
512mb pc3200 ddr memory
2x 80gb hdd
a dvd player aopen 16x/40x
a dvd burner nu ddw-081
all drives have dma enabled
ata 100 cables.
windows xp professional

i've flashed the drive about 7 times now and it stil doesn't work the firmwares i've tried are: bx32 (2x), bx30, b364, b370 (2x), b377

who can help me i want to burn my cd's again [-o<
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Postby webdokter on Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:10 pm

no one knows what causes this or how to fix it? :cry:
Buffer Underrun
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Location: Groningen, The Netherlands

Postby drf on Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:02 am

guys sit relax
1.just flash your 081 to 082 with b375 firmware which ucan get from nu tech offisial website
2.get nero
3.no problem now you just have the world's cheapest +,- both writer
with the cheapest( less than 1$ dvd-r or dvd+r) medias i tried several times no problem just enjoy it:::))))))
no problem with cd-r too
itried with amd 2800
p4 2400
p3 500:) u may smile but interestingly the best perform was
with this either no problem with all these systems ok:
if u have any other probs just mail me drf@mynet.com
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Postby pranav81 on Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:18 am

webdokter,try and flash to latest official version.

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Postby Ciryadin on Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:04 am

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Me too!

Postby ripley on Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:08 pm

I'm having nearly the identical problem, with just a couple of differences: a) I have the DDW-082 and b) I've had it for over a year. Overall, I've been perfectly happy with it till now. Yes, it's true that it doesn't work very well with the DVD-R format, but on the other hand, it's been absolutely outstanding with DVD+R/RW. Oh, and with CD-Rs also.

Anyway, I hadn't burned a CD in a few months but tried to copy a music CD just before Christmas and realized there were problems. Basically, the drive will not recognize any CD-R, of any brand, either burned or totally blank. It continues to read and write all kinds DVDs with no problems, but will only recognize factory-produced CDs.

I've been looking for some sort of software/hardware incompatibility issue as a possible cause but so I've been totally stumped. I'm glad at least to hear that my experience was isolated.

Also, I just wanted to say again: I'VE BEEN VERY, VERY HAPPY WITH THIS DRIVE. I've heard plenty of grumbling about the Nu-Tech drives here and in other, similar forums, but I just wanted to point out that I've never been anything but perfectly satisfied with my NU-Tech drive and this is the first time it's really caused me any inconvenience. I'm a happy Nu-Tech customer (I hope it stays that way... )

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