I'm using DVD Shrink to rip DVDs and back them up using Nero OEM. When I go through this process the first time, my home theater DVD player won't recognize the backup DVD and my computer won't play the sound from it.
But -- and here's where it gets weird -- when I make a backup of the backup, using the very same process as making a back from the original, Backup 2 works no problem in both players.
There's just one thing that's different about each part. When I back up from an original, I can set the burn rate in DVD Shrink to maximum, 1x, 2x or 2.4x. When I make the backup from the backup disk, I can choose Maximum, 4x, 6x, 8x, and 12x.
In both cases, when I choose Maximum, it says it is burning the files at 12x, even though my media is Fujifilm 8x DVD+R. And in most cases, that speed on that media in this burner (Lite-On SOHW-1213S) means a coaster.
So I guess my main question is: how come a DVD ripped and burned from the original won't play, but one ripped and burned from the "bad" copy is good.
By the way, I've repeated this process no less than 10 times now and I've saved the coasters. Neither versions of these will play in my cheapo bedroom Apex DVD player, which is weird. I'll keep trying them in other DVD players as I find them.