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Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?


Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?

Postby Halc on Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:46 pm

Could anybody venture a quess about DVD-R/DVD+R disc manufacturer sales rankings?

TOP 5 most sold discs (based on manufacturer, not brand name)?

Top 5 most sold quality discs (based on manufacturer, not brand name)?

If you venture a guess, can you detail which market are you basing your guesses on (USA, CA, North America in General, Central Europe, UK, Nordic, India, China, etc)?

I'm sure the mfg top5 will have some variance based on continent/market.

Also, if you can, try to exclude the obvious fakes from your guesses (i.e. fake TYs dont count towards real TY sales :).

Also, if anybody has some hard 3rd party reliable data on this, I'd really appreciate a link (been looking myself, but haven't found any).


PS My guesses based on very rough understanding of the Finnish market:

TOP 5 most sold (may not be absolute order, but all in top 5 by my guess)
- Ritek
- Princo
- Moser Baer
- Prodisc

TOP 5 quality most sold (may not be absolute order, but all in top 5 by my guess)
- Taiyo Yuden
- Mitsubishi Chemical Co
- Ricoh
- Maxell

The above is pretty much a guess, based on availability, pricing, forum posts and what people seem to be talking about. There is no hard data available for the Finnish market.

Please don't take offence about my ordering of "quality" and "other" manufacturers. That's just my take and I'm open for debate on that one as well. Furthermore, I'm not implying dichotomically that the "other" manufacturers are "crap". Just that I don't consider them amongst the most trustworthy/consistently best quality Top5 myself.
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Re: Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?

Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:31 pm

Hrm... here's my guess, based off of my own knowledge of the market in North America, and rough knowledge of the world wide market:

TOP 5 most sold (in order of most to least sold):
CMC (They make a crap load of discs, and massive amounts of OEMs)
Ritek (they make a lot of discs, and some OEMs)
Prodisc (They do a LOT of OEMs, and a good amount of discs)
MBIL (they do some OEMs and a good amount of discs)
Princo (they just flood the whole market with whatever they produce)

TOP 5 quality most sold (Again, from most sold to least sold)
Taiyo Yuden
MAM-A/MAM-E (questionable quality...)

I don't consider TDK to be a quality brand anymore... too much CMC OEMing that doesn't work well!
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Postby Halc on Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:07 am

Thanks dolphinius!

Anybody else want to offer his geographical top 5?
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Re: Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?

Postby RJW on Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:12 am

Ehh tricky question how should I count ?
Should I count all the OEM jobs CMC does for third parties with MCC/TDK or FUJIFILM or Philips code as CMC or the companny who's supplying the stampers ?
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Re: Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?

Postby RJW on Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:19 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:Hrm... here's my guess, based off of my own knowledge of the market in North America, and rough knowledge of the world wide market:

TOP 5 most sold (in order of most to least sold):
CMC (They make a crap load of discs, and massive amounts of OEMs)
Ritek (they make a lot of discs, and some OEMs)
Prodisc (They do a LOT of OEMs, and a good amount of discs)
MBIL (they do some OEMs and a good amount of discs)
Princo (they just flood the whole market with whatever they produce)

TOP 5 quality most sold (Again, from most sold to least sold)
Taiyo Yuden
MAM-A/MAM-E (questionable quality...)

I don't consider TDK to be a quality brand anymore... too much CMC OEMing that doesn't work well!

And you do consider MAM-E to be quality.
Selling ok optodisc disc's - But TDK's own stuff is better
Selling crap Digital Dessau Cyanine media. CMC is better.
Selling the crap media by MAM-E themselves. If you seen the number of batches recalled and the problems with MAM-E you wouldn't put them there. -
If there's one brand that has blown there reputation then it's this one.
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Postby Scour on Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:03 pm


I thought, it can be this ranking:

Most sold:

1. Ritek (with OEM´s like Primedisc, Octron)
2. CMC (with Codes from Philips, TDK, Ricoh, ...)
3. Generic manufacturers using stamper of Plasmon, Interaxia, ...
4. Prodisc (with manuf. for Verbatim, Fujifilm)
5. MBI (with manuf. for Verbatim)

Top-quality, most sold

2. Ricoh
3. Daxon (incl. Sony ADIP´s)
4. Taiyo Yuden
5. Prodisc

These my thoughts for the German-market

My experience about the quality:


1. Taiyo Yuden
2. MCC
3. Ricoh
4. Daxon
5. Ritek (depends on +/-R and speed)


1. Infosmart - real crap
2. Nanya
3. Optodisc
4. Ritek (depends on +/-R and speed)
5. Sentinel (DVD+RW)
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Postby MaxQc on Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:08 pm

What would suggest for DVD-R 8x for my LG 4163B between Ritek and Optodisc ??

http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php? ... omoid=1018


http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php? ... omoid=1018

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:00 pm

MaxQc wrote:What would suggest for DVD-R 8x for my LG 4163B between Ritek and Optodisc ??

http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php? ... omoid=1018


http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php? ... omoid=1018


This is *NOT* a good place for this question.... however, I would recommend looking at the LG 4163B review, which actually used both a drive from NCIX, as well as the same media sold by NCIX.

Here's a quality test done on Ritek 8x DVD-Rs burned on the LG4163B:
http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/images-v ... ageid=8592

And here's the test done on Acro Circle 8x DVD-Rs burned on the LG4163B:
http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/images-v ... ageid=8549

As you can see, they are pretty similar, with Ritek being just SLIGHTLY better scoring, however with a +/- 5% difference between scans and burns, I would consider them on the same level basically.

Next time please ask in a better thread.... say for instance, the LG 4163B thread at the top of the page, that has all to do with the review I justed linked to the images from.... #-o
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Re: Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?

Postby Halc on Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:15 am

RJW wrote:Ehh tricky question how should I count ?
Should I count all the OEM jobs CMC does for third parties with MCC/TDK or FUJIFILM or Philips code as CMC or the companny who's supplying the stampers ?

That's a good question.

What would be the biggest factor in terms of the output quality?

The producer or the stamper?

I know the market is convoluted and constantly shifting, I'm just trying to make some sort of sense to it to the average user, who doesn't have time to hang around in forums 24/7.

Impossible, I know, but worth the effort (as ordinary users are the ones who need most info/advice/guidance).
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Re: Top 5 most SOLD DVD-R/DVD+R discs (manufacturers)?

Postby RJW on Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:34 am

Halc wrote:
RJW wrote:Ehh tricky question how should I count ?
Should I count all the OEM jobs CMC does for third parties with MCC/TDK or FUJIFILM or Philips code as CMC or the companny who's supplying the stampers ?

That's a good question.

What would be the biggest factor in terms of the output quality?

The producer or the stamper?

Even more tricky why. Well let's say this most of these OEM's have there own brands and have special agreements when it comes to quality. However CMC will also produce disc's with these codes (that do not have to be the quality which the specific brands want in other words media that was rejected by these companies can sometimes be found in the cheap B-brands. .) for third parties like E-net. (Datasafe/RIDISC/Bulkpaq/DATAWRITE.)

So there is not an answer. That's the reason why I allready started months ago by only recommending big branded(SONY/Verbatim/Maxell and others) MCC media.
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Postby Halc on Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:02 pm

Same here (as far as recommendations go).

But going back to the original discussion:

What are the most sold (just the manufacturer - whosever stamper/dye patent it uses) discs?

Both quality and cheap?

Quality and cheap defined by you (just like you have now defined the ones you recommend as being quality).

Because I need to test the most common quality discs and the most bought cheap (and more than likely also crap) discs.
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Postby RJW on Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:43 am

5 most populair compannies who sell dye pigments . These days. It's a guess but it's pretty good but order might be screwed.

1 Mitsubishi ->AZO
3 Interaxia ->AZO
4 CHIBA ->IRGAPHOR / Laserviolet

Most produced DVD disc's (Includeing OEM jobs)


No PRINCO because Princo market is still shrinking.

Most populair in the netherlands. ( just the 5 not correct order.)

Quality (most populair) (Guess on Dutch market)
(Allmost all Maxell disc's here are oem TY these days that's why Maxell is not there and the fifth place goes to sony.)
And that's why TY is above TDK (WHo also OEM's a lot of TY's)
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Postby RJW on Tue May 10, 2005 6:16 am

New info on taiwanese market.

Company USD Sales Revenue Net Profit
CMC 187,026,839 -6,102,839
Ritek 139,349,419 -15,156,226
Prodisc 63,154,000 -46,257,226
Princo 62,677,000 -26,115,226
Optodisc 27,167,645 -14,748,774
Leaddata 24,607,548 -5,379,161
Gigastorage 11,808,290 -5,395,032

Hmm lay-out got screwed and to lazy to find how to fix this.
Still to my suprise Princo still has a 4th postition this can mean 2 things:
1 Much code abuse to reach western market.
2 Big on local asian market.
2 seem to be true but doesn't rule out 1. :D

As we can see all are makeing losses. Maybe some of them should be a little more creative.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue May 10, 2005 10:04 am

Wow.... Prodisc is insane! Princo isn't doing that well either. It seems that LeadData, Gigastorage and CMC are losing the least at the moment, if I understand the layour correctly.
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Postby RJW on Tue May 10, 2005 12:32 pm

Well most manufacturers are looseing money only a few compannies which produce disc's these days are makeing profit.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue May 10, 2005 12:55 pm

RJW wrote:Well most manufacturers are looseing money only a few compannies which produce disc's these days are makeing profit.

Taiyo Yuden, Maxell, and Verbatim come to mind... :wink:
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