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update JLMS LTD-166s firmware?

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update JLMS LTD-166s firmware?

Postby seee on Sun Apr 13, 2003 10:42 am

any adventage updating jlms ltd-166s firmware DS08 to latest DS14?

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Postby vbl117 on Sun Apr 13, 2003 12:47 pm

Yes there is an error in original Firmware ( DSO8 ) . Maximum DMA mode is fixed at DMA mode 3 which is useless and caused some issues .

http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... a+ide+166s

http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... c&start=25

If i were you i would flash it .

My own tests do not show any performance improvement with DS14 Firmware ( i cannot test DVD+R / DVD+RW reading ability ) .

Take a look at my review .
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Postby Dartman on Sun Apr 13, 2003 2:46 pm

I found that it would no longer rip my copy of More Fast and the Furious with the latest firmware with any program. It would work with clone with the previuos version, and with Clone and EAC with the original firmware.
Too bad they take away functionality while making improvements.
You might want to try it yourself and see if yours does the same thing to make sure it's not just me or some kind of problem on my end.
I have other drives that will still work so it's not a huge thing here but for some it might be.
It reads + media just fine, don't have any ram media to test with.
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Apr 13, 2003 3:30 pm

Can you back up the DS08 firmware first and send it to me please? Use mtkflash in DOS. http://dhc014.rpc1.org/mtklfash.htm
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Postby vbl117 on Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:06 pm

Dartman wrote:I found that it would no longer rip my copy of More Fast and the Furious with the latest firmware with any program. It would work with clone with the previuos version, and with Clone and EAC with the original firmware.
Too bad they take away functionality while making improvements.
You might want to try it yourself and see if yours does the same thing to make sure it's not just me or some kind of problem on my end.
I have other drives that will still work so it's not a huge thing here but for some it might be.
It reads + media just fine, don't have any ram media to test with.

With DS14 Firmware , rip is still possible of course . Check your software and look if DMA is still enabled on this drive .
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Postby Dartman on Sun Apr 13, 2003 8:10 pm

Well the DMA got turned of again on it but it wasn't reading slowly just not ripping. I removed the secondary controller and it seemed to be OK after that except for a BOD the first time I tried EAC again. I rebooted and it was OK and everything was still enabled so I tried it again. I would rip the tracks but no audio, then it stopped reading them at all again. Maybe it's just my MSI Mother board and this drive being funky but it did seem to work fine with the earliest firmware when I reinstalled it.
Luckily my Sony 500a seems to rip it just fine so go figure ?! I might be missing something but it's not working here anymore :( It still rips normal disks just fine so I'm not going to sweat it, just some info that might be usefull, maybe not :)
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Postby vbl117 on Mon Apr 14, 2003 5:28 am

Dartman wrote:Well the DMA got turned of again on it but it wasn't reading slowly just not ripping. I removed the secondary controller and it seemed to be OK after that except for a BOD the first time I tried EAC again. I rebooted and it was OK and everything was still enabled so I tried it again. I would rip the tracks but no audio, then it stopped reading them at all again. Maybe it's just my MSI Mother board and this drive being funky but it did seem to work fine with the earliest firmware when I reinstalled it.
Luckily my Sony 500a seems to rip it just fine so go figure ?! I might be missing something but it's not working here anymore :( It still rips normal disks just fine so I'm not going to sweat it, just some info that might be usefull, maybe not :)

I can be wrong and i don't understand all :D . Yes sometimes i am irritated and not helpful . It could be that this Firmware could cause some issues with some configuration ( hardware or software or both ) but in this case i am not sure i could help you . You are right to use the Firmware which suits you the best .

For Seee in all cases i haven't heard complaints about DSOF Firmware ( http://www.digitri.tk/ ) . But you can try DS14 Firmware remembering you can always flash back if you have an issue with Dimitri's tools ( http://www.digitri.tk/ ) .

Those having problems with DS14 Firmware could also report them to JLMS if they can define/report/describe them in an accurate way ( i mean accuracy not knowledge ) . DSOF Firmware was created because people like Vio_Man and i had done some reports .
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Postby Dartman on Mon Apr 14, 2003 6:35 pm

Well I wouldn't call it a problem :) I don't think it is a feature they advertised it just works for most people so I'd doubt they'd fix anything. I don't know how it got out of DMA mode, I don't know why it now refuses to rip things it did before. I haven't tried that disk since I first got the new DVD with the original firmware on it so I didn't know anything had changed. I just decided to check it again after reading this and I noticed mine doesn't anymore so far, could even be the version of XP I'm running I spose.
I think any info here is good, people here try their best to give help or veiwpoints that might apply or like that.
I'll play with it off and on and see if anything changes, but hey, at least that expensive 500a works so I still have any possibility covered and I bet nobody knew it would work, I never tried till now myself.
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Postby seee on Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:07 pm


my jlms ltd-166s works great, i think better dont change this firmware.......
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Postby vbl117 on Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:52 pm

Dartman wrote:Well I wouldn't call it a problem :) I don't think it is a feature they advertised it just works for most people so I'd doubt they'd fix anything. I don't know how it got out of DMA mode, I don't know why it now refuses to rip things it did before. I haven't tried that disk since I first got the new DVD with the original firmware on it so I didn't know anything had changed. I just decided to check it again after reading this and I noticed mine doesn't anymore so far, could even be the version of XP I'm running I spose.
I think any info here is good, people here try their best to give help or veiwpoints that might apply or like that.
I'll play with it off and on and see if anything changes, but hey, at least that expensive 500a works so I still have any possibility covered and I bet nobody knew it would work, I never tried till now myself.

You are completely right :D . Mine was got out of DMA mode two weeks ago for an unknown reason . I think it cannot be your XP version ( i had XP PRO , now i have XP PRO SP-1 . SP-1 had changed USB default parameters , i had to unchech one parameter in USB controllers properties , some stuff like " set off/don't power unused USB devices " , don't remember exactly ) .
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Postby Dartman on Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:59 pm

Did that fix the DMA issue or just make your USB stuff work right? I have XP Pro also with SP1. I'm probably going to be burning it down again and starting from scratch as a DVD copy program I was trying decided to start deleting files when I told it to do something?! I booted to my old drive with XP, updated the virus scanner and checked the drive, nothing came up. It deleted a bunch of my shortcuts, some of the shortcuts inside nested shortcuts, my boot ini file etc... Either it wasn't what was on their suposedly official site or something nasty piggy backed on and did it's work before I killed the proccess.
I was able to undelete most of it but a lot of the windows features are now empty in their shortcuts.
Never did get a hit from any of my antivirus or firewall stuff either.
At least I got back all of my family type pictures and stuff that were in the documents folders.
Only bad thing is I'll have to waste time redoing it from scratch and adding all my stuff again.
Anyways I backed it all up as most of the folders and files were untouched and I can just reinstall them after wards. I can always just boot to the old drive if this thing totally dies or I just don't feel like fixing it yet so I should be able to respond one way or the other.
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Postby vbl117 on Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:28 am

Dartman wrote:Did that fix the DMA issue or just make your USB stuff work right?

It was to allow my USB Scanner to work properly ( i had errors while scanning whith EUSBA or something like that , luckily i understood quickly it was referring to USB controllers ) . I will read your entire post ( english is not my native language and sometimes it's hard for me ) and help you if i can but frankly i made a clean install of XP ( i have not transfered parameters from 98 to XP ) .

I am not sure there is a DMA issue . I install so many software and sometimes i add/remove hardware .....
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Postby Dartman on Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:35 pm

When I did my previuos drive it was a fdisk, format, install. The new disk was the same just bigger so I used the old one as my slave in case it ever barfed I'd have a complete OS with most of my stuff intact, just out of date. I think it was some kind of script exploit, It destroyed my antivirus, erased the boot INI, started to erase all my shortcuts and had me locked out of my documents folder, at least part of it. Now a bunch of the stuff like adminstrative tools just looks empty. I think it's all still there just no shortcuts anymore. It came in with DVD Jack3.0 off their web site.
Of course maybe the program is maliciuos but I think something just tagged along for the ride.
My drive is back at PIO mode again also ..... I have enough problems this week :)
I keep 5 drive in here so a lot of stuff is compartmentalised, helps cut down on losing everything when something crashes
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Postby MrBurns on Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:45 am

I also need the DS08 firmware. Can you please back it upo and send it to me?
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