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Wanted - Fake MID Media


Wanted - Fake MID Media

Postby Ian on Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:48 pm

I'm testing a few drives with "auto write strategy" technologies and I'm quickly finding that the only way I'm going to see any real benefit is if I use media with fake MID's. The only problem is that I sent my last batch of fake TY's to dolph and I'm having a hard time finding replacements.

Anyway, if anyone has picked up any media with fake MID's from US retailers (Best Buy, CompUSA, Staples, etc), let me know. Same goes for online stores like Newegg, etc.
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Postby [buck] on Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:17 pm

I've heard that some of the Nexxtech at CC is fake TY... don't have any details though.
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Postby MonsterMan on Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:27 pm

The Nexxtech 8x DVD-R's I have have an MCC MID code. I'm guessing they're fakes. Got 'em at Circut city...
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:38 pm

MonsterMan wrote:The Nexxtech 8x DVD-R's I have have an MCC MID code. I'm guessing they're fakes. Got 'em at Circut city...

Might just be Prodisc
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Postby [buck] on Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:08 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:
MonsterMan wrote:The Nexxtech 8x DVD-R's I have have an MCC MID code. I'm guessing they're fakes. Got 'em at Circut city...

Might just be Prodisc

It think it was established that those are CMC, and they're definately not fakes. They're quite popular at CD Freaks, actually.
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:46 pm

how does one establish that certain media is fake MID ?
i have some Sky 8x DVD-R that has TYG02 MID code. i was sure it's fake but then thought maybe no, maybe it's value-line TY. how does on tell ?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:33 am

dodecahedron wrote:how does one establish that certain media is fake MID ?
i have some Sky 8x DVD-R that has TYG02 MID code. i was sure it's fake but then thought maybe no, maybe it's value-line TY. how does on tell ?

You tell by the serial numbers on the disc.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:35 am

so if the disc has no serial number on it ... i guess it's safe to say it's fake #-o
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Postby [buck] on Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:31 am

dodecahedron wrote:so if the disc has no serial number on it ... i guess it's safe to say it's fake #-o

yeppers :D
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Postby RJW on Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:36 am

hmm let's see options for solid burn.

A- Ask e-net for samples of any infocrap made products ;-) (Moviestyle or Mach 4 will do !)
B Inconsistant media without fake codes works also like a charm. For example my MBIL ricoh disc's. You really want SOLIDBURN for these.
C Maybe you could try AVB from newegg 8x -R (can be fake TY but also other stuff ! )

D - If you have way to much money you can allways order from Feurio (european media store with the largest assortiment of media which is crazy enough to ship anywhere at way to high prices !) or you can decide to give some money to folks who really need it but that wouldn't give you the media.

E How about these.
http://cgi.ebay.com/100-PACK-TAIYO-YUDE ... dZViewItem
Let me quote the last part.
Manufacturer Disclosure: This media is not made directly by Taiyo Yuden, in fact this media is made by a 3rd party manufacturer who has paid royalty rights to Taiyo Yuden to use their media id codes. In order to do this the discs must meet or exceed Taiyo Yuden specifications for reliability, compatibility, and craftsmanship, or we would not be allowed to use their media id code or use the Taiyo Yuden name. We still highly recommend anyone who is uncertain to try a free sample in advance and we thank you for allowing us a chance to earn your business.

In other words this is crappy medai that just uses TY code.

Still strange that a european person has to tell the american's were to possibly get crap media with fake in there country.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:53 pm

Looks like that ebay auction is perfect. Try reading that guys feedback, it's pretty hilarious. Especially because you know that most of the time, that seller is completely full of sh!t
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Postby Ian on Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:00 pm

RJW wrote:Still strange that a european person has to tell the american's were to possibly get crap media with fake in there country.

You should know by now that us Americans are lazy. We'd rather have your Euros do all the work. Oh wait.. the Mexicans do all the work in this country. #-o
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Postby RJW on Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:50 pm

Ooh it's a shame you can't get these.
Q-dac TYG02 has just showed up at some stores.
For arround 10 euro's you can get 50 pcs of this junk !
Q-dac is quite famous for there ultra low quality disc's.

I'm quite pissed about it having DVD identifier once again used to so call say it's genuine.
Hmm let's see if we can fix that one with the next release.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:30 pm

how/where do i see in DVD Identifier if it's a fake MID ?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:24 am

dodecahedron wrote:how/where do i see in DVD Identifier if it's a fake MID ?

Not possible.... not YET at least....
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:05 am

OK ... i understood from RJW's reply that it can be done.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:59 am

dodecahedron wrote:OK ... i understood from RJW's reply that it can be done.

Well, the MID information is usually copied perfectly by the code abusing plant, so don't expect DVD Identifier to be able to solve THAT problem.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:09 am

yeah, that had baffeled me before (RJW mentioned in the past this business of identifying fake MIDs) - how would they be able to tell which MIDs are fake ?
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Postby RJW on Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:51 am

In a few cases of code abuse read we might be able to add some stuff for correct identification.

Incase of TY it is not possible so what are we going to do then.
Well we can put a disclaimer in it and blacklist known fakes.
It's not perfect but still it will help.

But it seems that we have some other problems (availability (Seems that cdfreaks servers are screwey) to solve first.
Probably new version will only have the disclaimer not the blacklists yet
along with the normal updates.

ohh in this case let me help you guys on what you will be getting from the ebay guy. (just ripped this of a earlier post on some other boards.)

Stamper code T1017 is in use by: AnYang Sunny Mastering Product Co.,Ltd /
Heinan Kairui Mastering Product Co ltd.(that's what there sites
states.) - http://www.aysunny.com/

AnYang Sunny is one of china's largest manufacturers !

Ideal candidate because of some reports they have proven to be quite crappy !

(Still the e-bay price sucks.)

Ohh and speaking of Solidburn. So far my Philips drive hasn't been able to screw up any single layer disc's. Including burning 4x disc's at 16x which normally allready burn problematic at 4x on some drives.
Yeah quality was going down hill at 16x but still readable and playable.(no stuttering on the dvd players in house. Still the transfer rate finally sucked !. I can't say that my pioneer at 4x does the same !)

So I might fix me a 50-pack of those q-dac as a ultimate test for Solidburn !. If it burns these playable at 16x well then I think Philips solidburn technology might be fool proof !.
Still the philips drive can create coasters just use some crappy dual layer disc's. Mediarange disc's with ricoh code. (These disc's make Ritek dual layer look good !)
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Postby frank1 on Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:20 am

I have a report that a Plextor PX-760A is nearly unable to write a DVD+R DL Mediarange: the burn stops at around 30%.
AutoStrategy cannot be used on DVD DL medias,
so I like to know if it is possible to set SolidBurn for the use it on DVD+R DL ?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:57 am

frank1 wrote:I have a report that a Plextor PX-760A is nearly unable to write a DVD+R DL Mediarange: the burn stops at around 30%.
AutoStrategy cannot be used on DVD DL medias,
so I like to know if it is possible to set SolidBurn for the use it on DVD+R DL ?

Not Solidburn, but maybe LiteON's HyperTuning (it supports DVD+RDL)
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Postby RJW on Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:31 am

frank1 wrote:I have a report that a Plextor PX-760A is nearly unable to write a DVD+R DL Mediarange: the burn stops at around 30%.
AutoStrategy cannot be used on DVD DL medias,
so I like to know if it is possible to set SolidBurn for the use it on DVD+R DL ?

I suggest to not buy mediarange at all. STAY AWAY FROM IT
There media is landfill quality(MBIL/RICOH code) or uses fake codes.(MCC code)
I doubt that hypertuning can actually fix this.

I don't know how much disc's of these you have left but I would recommend to return any unoppened packages and get them refunded because this is pure garbage.
Like I said earlier it makes Ritek Dual Layer disc's look good.

Still for people who want to make coasters this is the ideal candidate.
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Postby frank1 on Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:17 am

Thanks to you dolphin and RJW !

Of course I did not buy any Mediarange branded DVD ...
But I have somebody that posted on the site Gravure-news.com
that he is unable [the burns stop at 30%]
to burn a single Mediarange DVD+R DL even with a Plextor PX-760 (probably bought from nierle ?)

I knew that AS only works on DVD+R/-R (4x and up) so I just wanted to know if there was an other solution to try
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Postby myckee on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:09 am

Ian, I have some Kodak media that have an MCC code and that are fake. You can have them for free if you would like them. They are useless to me. I have about 20 discs on a spindle.
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